Are you looking for Kakashi Hatake quotes? The world of Naruto with our best collections of Kakashi Hatake quotes. These quotes have the wisdom, experience, and enigmatic personality of one of the series’ most iconic characters. From life lessons to ninja wisdom, explore Kakashi’s world through these quotes that remind him of his profound insights and philosophies, making them perfect for fans.
Your social skills seem to need some polishing.
Don’t look away. When you live like a shinobi, this is how it ends.
A ninja must see beyond the unexpected.
I’m Hatake Kakashi. Things I like and things I hate? I don’t feel like telling you… my dreams for the future? Never really thought about that. As for my hobbies… I have lots of hobbies.
A ninja must see underneath.
Kakashi Hatake Quotes

If You Don’t Want It, It Becomes You.
As long as you don’t give up, you can still be saved!
The next generation will always surpass the previous one. It is one of the endless cycles of life. Kakashi Hatake sayings
Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.
Walking down a path without knowing where you really want to go… Having a grace period like that isn’t so bad.
A Ninja must see underneath the underneath.
I don’t care if you are one of the legendary Sannin, the great shinobi of legend. I swear, take one more step toward Sasuke, and one of us will die here!
Every Day, I Eat, Sleep, & Worry About Stupid Things.
There’s no time like the present, I guess.
The people of this village are unlike any other. Even if it means death, there is no one who betrays a partner.
The hole in one’s heart gets filled by others around you.
No matter how far Orochimaru fell, he still loved him… Now I know how the Third Hokage felt.
They’re no longer your students; they’re my soldiers now!

You Ate All The Bean Jam Buns, Didn’t You?
Do you really believe that I’ve managed to survive with just Sharingan? Here’s something I didn’t copy. A Jitsu of my own.
This place makes me think about the mistakes I’ve made, and I’ve had many.
Sorry I’m late; I’m afraid I got lost on the path of life
A ninja must see the underneath.
Don’t look away… When you live like a Shinobi, this is how it ends.
In society, those who don’t have many abilities, tend to complain more.
The Nail That Sticks Up Gets Hammered Down.
Those who break the rules are trash but those who leave their friends are worse than the trash.
To know what is right and choose to ignore it is the act of a coward.
Some people want power and they get mad when they don’t get it. They take their fury out on everyone else. You don’t want it; it becomes you.
There’s No Way I’d Allow Myself To Lose…
Forget about revenge. The fate of those who seek revenge is grim. It’s tragic, you will end up suffering and hurting yourself even more.
The hole in the heart is filled with those around you.
I’m telling you this because you don’t get it. You think you get it, which is not the same as actually getting it. Get it?
In society, those who don’t have many abilities tend to complain more.
He’s always trying his best to get people to acknowledge him… For the dream, he’d risk his life at any time… He’s probably sick and tired of crying, he knows what it really means to be strong.
Those Without Many Abilities Tend To Complain More.
As long as you do not give up, there will always be salvation.
I won’t allow my comrades to die. I’ll protect you with my life. Trust me.
Naruto, it’s nice that you removed the poison so spiritedly, but you’ll bleed to death if you lose any more blood… Seriously…
Those Who Don’t Have The Decency To Respect The Memories Of Their Comrades Are The Worst.
Behind this mask is…Another mask! Pretty cool, huh?
You can’t open your mind to anyone if your mind is not open as well.
They say that the nail that sticks up is the one that gets hammered down.
Hello students, today I got lost on the road of life.
To abandon your duty is not courageous. Below the courageous, there is nothing.
Look, it takes a lot to get me worked up, but this time my boiling point’s as low as it’s ever been. The ‘Copy Ninja’ Kakashi, the man who copied one thousand techniques is about to go on a rampage!
Today, I Got Lost On The Road To Life
I miss the cute students who’d react to every little thing I say.
To know what is right and to ignore it, is to act like a coward.
You can’t kill the client, Naruto, it doesn’t work that way
As For My Hobbies…I Have Lots Of Hobbies.
If I’m still sane by the time I finish their training, it’ll be a miracle.
The bigger the technique, the more risk it runs who executes it.Kakashi Hatake captions
Every day, I eat, I sleep, I worry about stupid things. My job is to make sure these kids have as many days as they can where they can be idiots like this.
Sorry, I’m late. You wouldn’t believe the traffic.
Sorry I’m late guys, a black cat crossed my path so I had to go the long way
You Think You Get It, But That’s Not The Same As Actually Getting It.
The very fact of living itself means you’re always fighting for your life.
I don’t know what this boy means to you, Guy, but I shouldn’t have to tell you that we never bring our personal feelings into play. I didn’t think you were capable of it.
If comrades that you trust gather around you, hope can take physical form and become visible. That’s what I believe…
Hmmm… how do I put this?” My first impression of this group… you’re a bunch of idiots!
Having A Grace Period Like That Isn’t So Bad.
Even if you do succeed in getting revenge, the only thing that remains is emptiness.
Only because you face adversity and difficulties is no reason to surrender.
I’m just a piece of trash… but there are things I learned. The hole in your heart is something other people can fill. If you reject your friends’ feelings and this world…
Sorry, I knew you wouldn’t want to sit still for a lecture, so I figured I’d have to pin you down.
A cute girl stopped me on the way, so I danced.
No matter what happened, you did the best you could.
The people from this village are different from your average village. Even if it means dying, there’s not a single one of us who would sell out a comrade.
As the fate of the two who founded the village of Konoha, Naruto, and Sasuke, their destinies are like theirs.
It takes a lot to get me worked up, but this time, my boiling point’s as low as it’s ever been.
Look, it takes a lot to get me worked up, but this time my boiling point’s as low as it’s ever been. The ‘Copy Ninja’ Kakashi, the man who copied one thousand techniques, is about to go on a rampage!
I’m just a piece of trash… but there are things I learned. The hole in your heart is something other people can fill
Father, I always wanted to ask you something. I wanted to know why you, the White Fang of the Leaf, willingly chose to ignore the village code, to abandon a crucial mission to save your comrades.
Emptiness is something that all help you to fill.
Don’t you remember Naruto’s words that it’s most painful not to have real comrades inside one’s heart?
Obito… this is the Jitsu you made me perfect. Rin… Obito cared about you, he loved you. You were everything to him, that’s why he gave his life to protect you.
In the shinobi world, those who break the written and unwritten rules are deemed trash… but be that as it may… Those who would disregard their comrades so easily are even worse than trash. And those who don’t have the decency to respect the memories of their comrades are the worst.
To abandon your duty is not courageous.
If the companions whom you trust are gathered around you, hope takes physical form and becomes visible—that is what I believe in.
Naruto has a mysterious power…even without saying much, he can become friends with anyone quickly.
Reanimated Zabuza: I knew I had to fight. But I didn’t think it would be against you Kakashi.
Kakashi: This is the real world. You were summoned here by the Edo-Tensei technique.
Friends won’t flock to someone who abandons the memory of his friends and gives up on the world just because things don’t go the way he wants them to. That won’t help fill the hole in your heart. And people won’t help those who run away and do nothing. As long as you don’t give up, there will always be salvation.
I will not let my comrades die. I will protect you with my life. Trust me.
Leaf Village Secret-Finger Justu…1,000 Years of Death!!!
There’s nothing more boring than a stranger bragging… It’s about time. I’ll make my move! I’ll tell you that the same Jitsu won’t work on me twice.
I really am… shinobi trash. But the one thing I still learned is this. That void is something that everyone helps you fill. Just because you face adversity and hardships, is no reason to give up on this world. A person willing to throw away all those memories… of their friends and comrades, will never find peace of mind. Resorting to something like that isn’t going to bury that hole. If you persevere and endure, someone will be there to support you!
Sasuke, there’s more to you than just your clan…more than just hatred. Take another look…deep inside your heart.
Can you sense it? You are always before his eyes, inspiring him. You make him strong; you do know that, don’t you, Sasuke?
In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum, that’s true, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.
Because you’re the only shinobi in the world who can surpass the Fourth. That’s what I believe.
I also have important things that I want to protect, as a shinobi.
You’ll only tear yourself apart and even if you succeed with your revenge, what would you have then… nothing, emptiness.
Gai…what I said earlier…I was out of line. I was being a self-righteous fool. I realize now that if I’d been in your shoes, I probably couldn’t have stopped him, either.
Resorting to something like that isn’t going to bury that hole. If you persevere and endure, someone will be there to support you!
Let it go, you’ve got to forget about revenge. Believe me, in this work I’ve met a lot of guys who feel the way you do. Trust me, for those who follow the path of revenge, it never ends well.
I’ve been around longer than you have, kid. And I’ve seen my share of troubles. You’re not the only one who knows what it’s like to lose somebody. It looks like neither of us has led A charming life, have we? Still, it’s not that bad. At least you and I have been lucky enough to find new comrades to help fill the void.
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