Are you looking for charles k kao quotes? Here is the right place to get the best collection of charles k kao quotes and sayings. Share these quotations with your friends, family, and social media platforms.
When you are young, you are fervent about the things you believe in.
When information is infinite, individual pieces of information are worth nothing.
Ideas do not always come in a flash but through diligent trial-and-error experiments that take time and thought.
The primary school I attended in Shanghai was a very liberal one, established by scholars who had returned from education in France. The children of leading families were enrolled there, including the son of a well-known man believed to be a top gangster of the underworld! – Charles K. Kao
Because of the earlier loss of the two elder siblings, my brother and I lived a very pampered and protected life. Nursemaids kept constant watch.
Charles K Kao Quotes

Search and search again as a way to discover new facts. – Charles K. Kao
Not always you can create an idea out of nowhere. It’s a long process, and you need to be patient to see the result.
Your younger self tends to lose your temper more often, and your beliefs mean the world to you.
Patience with constant working behind the stage is what will make you successful and rich but never become egoistic.
If you really look at it, I was trying to sell a dream … There was very little I could put in concrete to tell these people it was really real
Practicing what you have learned generates satisfaction.
The introduction of optical fiber systems will revolutionize the communications network.
Maybe it was the home tutoring, the late start to formal schooling, or an overly cautious and protective upbringing, but in any case, I never became a talkative person. As an adult, I am not always comfortable in social gatherings with small talk.
According to this quote, people say that you can do unbelievable things if you rest your brain for some time. Ideas can come into your mind just like a flash when you do that.
I don’t know exactly why I am not good at expressing my feelings. But I am indeed an introvert. Now that I am a full-grown man, I still feel uncomfortable whenever I go to a party or somewhere like that. I think I am exactly like my father.
You have to be confident in order for your ideas to work, and the vision behind them.
The introduction of optical fiber systems will revolutionize the communications network. The low transmission loss and the large bandwidth capability of the fiber systems allow signals to be transmitted for establishing communications contacts over large distances with few or no provisions of intermediate amplification
Ideas do not always come in a flash but through diligent trial-and-error experiments that take time and thought.

The introduction of optical fiber systems will revolutionize telecommunications networks. – Charles K. Kao
You can’t always think of doing nothing, and ideas would somehow magically appear inside your brain. You must invest time to think clearly and properly, even presenting a new idea.
My idea was too good to be true, which is why nobody thought that it would be possible in reality. Even I failed to express what I was thinking inside.
Maybe it was the home tutoring, the late start to formal schooling, or an overly cautious and protective upbringing.
Because of the earlier loss of the two elder siblings, my brother and I lived a very pampered and protected life. Nursemaids kept constant watch. With my parents busy at dinner parties and social events, we only met them as if for a daily royal audience
This statement rings true for any field of study. The more one practices, the better one becomes at their craft and the more satisfaction one feels from their work.
Not always you can create an idea out of nowhere. It’s a long process, and you need to be patient to see the result.
The low transmission loss and the large bandwidth capability of the fiber systems allow signals to be transmitted for establishing communications contracts over large distances with few or no provisions of intermediate amplification.
But a dream does not come into reality until you test-run it several times. Perhaps you would fail a dozen times before you finally get it right. If your idea is right, you will eventually get there no matter how hard the process is.
Optical fiber systems are bound to transform the world of communication in a way like never before. The brand-new fiber systems are capable of sending signals even if the distance is far away. That too, without breaking, and this way the communication system will take a step forward.
In any case, I never became a talkative person. As an adult, I am not always comfortable in social gatherings with small talk.
However, with the technological advances of the digital age, information has become infinitely abundant.
I received my primary education in a school in Shanghai. The founders of that school were pandits and they just got back from France. I felt free while I was there. Most of the students belonged to the rich and they all were quite interesting to talk with.

I must have inherited my father’s gentle nature.
That is exactly what Charles K Kao did in his own life. He spent years constantly researching how to improve the world of telecommunication. The change didn’t happen overnight.
This has led to a devaluation of individual pieces of information. As more and more information becomes available, each piece loses its significance. In an age where information is infinite, individual pieces of information are worth nothing.
Human nature tends to change over time. Whenever you start to grow up physically and mentally, your perspective tends to change. You stop reacting to things the same way you did in the past.
The low transmission loss and the large bandwidth capability of the fiber systems allow signals to be transmitted for establishing communications contracts over large distances with few or no provisions of intermediate amplification.
The introduction of optical fiber systems will revolutionize the communications network.
As you mature, you start to know how to handle things calmly. Generally, we all are hot-tempered in our childhood. We could go to any extent to prove a point.
He belonged to a very rich family background. This was no surprise that Charles K Kao later innovated new technologies!
But now that we are much older, we try to figure out how to get the ultimate result. So we start to think differently with a newfound maturity.
If you really look at it, I was trying to sell a dream.
Charles K Kao faced a lot of trouble along the way while trying to bring a huge change into this world. He went door to door to every telecommunication company to convince them to pursue his dream.
But most of the time, he failed to make them understand what he understood long before. However, the British Post Office Telecommunications Laboratory and NTT in Japan were interested in Kao’s thoughts.

There was very little I could put in concrete to tell these people it was really real.
The primary school I attended in Shanghai was a very liberal one, established by scholars who had returned from education in France.
Nobody thought that glass fibers could send signals without breaking apart. But Charles K Kao was the first to figure out that glass fibers could provide a huge change in the communication world if processed properly. We don’t need those copper wires to transfer information.
The children of leading families were enrolled there, including the son of a well-known man believed to be a top gangster of the underworld!
This idea was like a myth at the time. Maybe Charles K Kao himself was somewhat unable to put his thoughts into exact words. People never wanted to believe in him or his thoughts anyway.
He is best known as ‘the father of fiber optic communications.’ He brought some massive changes in communication.
Two of my siblings died before me and my brother were born. So, our parents wanted us to lead a careful life. But they weren’t always there for us, but they made sure that we are being taken care of.
Because of the earlier loss of the two elder siblings, my brother and I lived a very pampered and protected life.
The first two siblings of Charles K Kao died tragically because of a measles virus transmission. Charles wasn’t even born when this tragic incident happened to his family. His mother, too, wasn’t physically too strong to give birth to another anytime soon.
Nursemaids kept constant watch. With my parents busy at dinner parties and social events.
But Charles K Kao hailed from a rich family background. Both his father and mother were scholars. His father was a lawyer, while his mother too was a poet.
Kao has earned multiple prizes, including the Nobel Prize in Physics, the Grand Bauhinia Medal, the Marconi Prize, and the Prince Philip Medal.
So his parents were not always there for him. Nurses and housemaids took care of him and his brother when they were little. He rarely got to see his mom and dad unless there was some occasion.

So he thought that maybe he was like his father, who was cool and calm too!
Soon Charles K Kao and his works were getting acclaimed by world-famous scholars.
After getting his Ph.D. degree, Charles Kao collaborated with George Hockham and co-wrote a paper on fiber optic cables.
I don’t know exactly why I am not good at expressing my feelings. But I am indeed an introvert. Now that I am a full-grown man, I still feel uncomfortable whenever I go to a party or somewhere like that. I think I am exactly like my father.
At first, the world failed to perceive what was going on with optical fiber.
In Charles K Kao’s own words, he was not quite good with his words. He was an introvert when it came to talking to people.
Maybe that’s because he never found someone to talk to when he was just a kid. At first, he didn’t even have to go to school. His teacher used to come to his home to teach him and his brother.
At least 20 famous universities, including Yale University, the University of Toronto, the University of Glasgow, Princeton University, and the University of Greenwich.
So naturally, he had no childhood friends. Also, he wasn’t allowed to do everything he wanted. Likewise, his mindset was not like talkative people when he became an adult.
He finally got the Nobel prize for his unmatchable contribution to the world of physics in 2009.
As we all know, once upon a time, there was no internet whatsoever. We had to wait forever to hear from our friends or family members.
He tried to explain what kind of education made him what he is now through this quote. Renowned Chinese scholars originally established the school.
He has inspired countless people with his work in the field of telecommunications and has been honored with many prestigious awards.

Contacting one end from another became easy when telecommunication and the radio were invented.
Charles K Kao left this earth in 2018 in Hong Kong after suffering from Alzheimer’s disease for several years.
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