Are you looking for Guru Purnima quotes? Here is the right place to get the best collections of Guru Purnima quotes and messages. Share these quotations with your friends and family.
Guru Purnima is a tradition dedicated to all the spiritual and academic Gurus, who are evolved or enlightened humans, ready to share their wisdom, based on Karma Yoga.
Warm wishes on Guru Purnima to the parents who have been my inspiration and my guru. Thank you for being so patient and caring with me.
Be Devoted To Guru On This Holy Day Let Us Have A Prayer Altogether. Happy Guru Purnima
There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fills you with so much quail shot that you can’t move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies. ― Robert Frost
A bow to the great teachers on this auspicious day of the birth of the great Sage Vyasa, a symbol of guru-shishya tradition who gave his first sermon on this day at Sarnath, Happy Guru Purnima.
There are so many things that I have learned from you. There are many advices that I have asked from you. For everything, I thank you and wish you a Happy Guru Purnima.
Guru Purnima Quotes

Today is the best day to pay tribute to your Guru, On the auspicious day of Guru Poornima, make an oath to your life to follow the steps of Guru. Happy Guru Purnima
May this Guru Purnima bring blessings, prosperity, and happiness to your life. Have a great day.
The two gurus of my life who have always been there whenever I have needed them since the time I was born, I wish my dearest parents a very Happy Guru Purnima.
You Leave Behind All The Problems Of Your Life And Move Towards The Peak Experience Of Life Happy Guru Purnima.
They inspire you, they entertain you, and you end up learning a ton even when you don’t know it. ― Nicholas Sparks
You can’t stop a teacher when they want to do something. They just do it. ― J.D. Salinger
Today is a day to be grateful to thank, be humble and smile,
On the auspicious day of Guru Purnima, let us make an oath for our life to follow the steps of our Guru.
To the world, you may be just a teacher but to your students, you are a hero.
What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches. ― Karl Menninger
A guru is someone who teaches you and also believes in you. To the parents who have been my gurus in each and every step of my life, I wish a very Happy Guru Purnima.
On the occasion of Guru Purnima, I thank my parents for enlightening me with knowledge and supporting me like a rock. Thank you for being the most amazing gurus.
Today is the best day to pay tribute to all the gurus in our life.

May the guru’s blessings always shower on you. Happy Guru Purnima
Teaching might even be the greatest form of art since the medium is the human mind and spirit. – John Steinbeck
Thank you for making my life worthwhile. Wish you a Happy Guru Purnima
Dearest mom and dad, you two have been my role models for life. Thank you for filling my life with inspiration and so many things to learn. Happy Guru Purnima to you.
Teachers are Parents in school. And I have been blessed to have the best of them. Happy Guru Purnima to all the lucky students
Be grateful to who made you meet yourself. Happy Guru Purnima.
Life would have been a much tougher challenge had you both not been there to guide me through. Wishing a very Happy Guru Purnima to my dearest parents.
There shall be no darkness in my life, When there’s the ray of sunshine of your blessings and teachings, Happy Guru Purnima
There will be no darkness in your life when there is a ray of light of your blessings and teachings.
I am really fortunate that I found my gurus for life in my parents. Happy Guru Purnima to you and a big thank you for being the guides who gave my life meaning.
Being loyal to those who lifted you up in your life, Saluting for the help they rendered you,I always respect you as my Guru,
Happy Guru Purnima.
Stick to the way you are now, and follow the paths shown by your Guru, the shine will come to you, and you will be the star of your life.
I never felt lost in life because I always had my parents to show me the direction and guide me toward a better future. Happy Guru Purnima to you mom and dad.
Inspirational Guru Purnima Quotes

Guru is the Light in the dark, an inspiration &an aspiration, You are the inspiration, Made me win with a spirit, It wouldn’t have been possible without you, Happy Guru Purnima
As you walk with the Guru, you walk in the light of existence, away from the darkness of ignorance. You leave behind all the problems of your life and move towards the peak experiences of life. Happy Guru Purnima.
I am so fortunate that I always had so much clarity in my life. Wishing a very Happy Guru Purnima to my parents who are the reason for this clarity.
God is present, he is your this very moment, Celebrate the moment, and be prepared to serve him,At every moment to come Happy Guru Purnima.
It is an incomparable journey where the Guru leads you from the visible to the invisible, from the material to the divine, and from the ephemeral to the eternal. Thank you for being my Guru. Happy Guru Purnima
It is your words that have pushed me to higher levels of success,I want to thank you for everything on this special day. Happy Guru Purnima.
You are the inspiration who made me fight every hurdle in life. It wouldn’t have been possible without you. Happy Guru Purnima
You introduced me to myself and showed me the right way. Thanks for making me who I am. Wish you a Happy Guru Purnima Day
A Guru’s purpose is not to create shishya in his own image, but to develop shishya who can create their own image.
A guru is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.
The best Guru teaches from the heart, not from the books.
The heart of a guru is filled with enough love and courage to share with an entire classroom.
When it comes to teaching, you are the BEST. Happy Guru Purnima.

Guru is everything in our eternal life, nothing is possible without him. Happy Guru Purnima
Life needs some power to push you up, Guru is that superpower. Happy Guru Purnima.
Many Teachers came in my life but I don’t think about the rest when it comes to making a difference. You are certainly better than the best. Happy Guru Purnima
Everyone in their life will have a Guru to lead them, I had you in my life as my Guru. You made me come out of my ignorance. I learned to handle the problems all because of you. I always pay my tribute to you. Happy Guru Purnima
Today is the day to be grateful to your teacher. Happy Guru Purnima
You have been my living inspiration, giving me lessons of truth and discipline. Wishing you joy and happiness on Guru Purnima.
Guru always helps one to get knowledge and stands beside the students, when they have problems. Happy Guru Purnima
May the name of the guru be enshrined in your heart. May guru ji’ s divine love and blessings be with you always. Happy Guru Purnima
The Guru’s whole work is to bring back the flow of life so that you start becoming joyous and utterly happy and blissful for no reason at all.
A Guru takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart. Happy Guru Purnima
Dear Guru, you are my only lamp in a dark night of pain Your thoughts, your words, and your actions shall always remain with me Happy Guru Purnima.
I couldn’t have gained knowledge from anywhere else. The lessons that you imparted went on to build a strong foundation for my life. I thank you for guiding and showing me the right path—a very Happy and Blissful Guru Purnima to you, Teacher.

Worshipping the feet of the Guru is the ultimate of all worship – Sri Guru Pranam
Guru is Shiva sans his three eyes, Vishnu sans his four arms, and Brahma sans his four heads. He is parama Shiva himself in human form – Brahmanda Puran
There is no deity superior to the Guru, no gain better than the Guru’s grace … no state higher than a meditation on the Guru. – Muktananda
Guru Purnima celebrates the human ability to rise beyond physical nature, and the Greatness of Adiyogi, who made this possible. – Sadhguru
Guru is the creator Brahma, Guru is the preserver Vishnu, and Guru is the destroyer, Shiva. Guru is directly the supreme spirit — I offer my salutations to this Guru. – Adi Shankara
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