Are you looking for Cowboy bebop quotes? Explore the world of “Cowboy Bebop” through our best collection of quotes. These quotes have the heart of the iconic anime, its action, philosophy, and emotion. From Spike Spiegel’s enigmatic coolness to Faye Valentine’s wit, get into the dialogues and lines that “Cowboy Bebop”. Perfect for fans and those fascinated by the futuristic adventures of these interstellar hunters.
Is there an indelible line dividing sanity from insanity, or do they change, one into the other, at the slightest turn of events? We’ll find out, soon enough, that the world itself is insane. — Vincent Volaju
You told me once to forget the past, cause it doesn’t matter, but you’re the one still tied to the past, Spike. – Faye Valentine
I think the lesson here is one of my favorite. That people that truly enjoy life, are the ones who fearlessly move forward and pursue, the most exciting and important things to them.
Whatever happens, happens. ~Spike Spiegel
I can’t be stuck in one place for long—it’ll kill me. My whole family’s like that. – Faye Valentine
Cowboy Bebop Quotes

I’m not going there to die. I’m going to find out if I’m really alive.
Look at my eyes, Faye. One of them is a fake because I lost it in an accident. Since then, I’ve been seeing the past in one eye and the present in the other. So, I thought I could only see patches of reality, never the whole picture.
Halloween is the one day when a soul in purgatory can be released. If he prays hard enough, he can go to heaven at last. Say your prayers. — Vincent Volaju
Spike Spiegel: So tell me, Jet, why do we have all three of them neatly gathered in our ship?
Spike Spiegel: Hey, Jet, did you know that there are three things that I hate?
I felt like I was watching a dream I’d never wake up from. Before I knew it, the dream was all over.
On Titan, I lost two things. One was my memory. I couldn’t even remember my own name. It’s like I wasn’t even alive to begin with. — Vincent Volaju
I’m not going there to die. I’m going there to find out if I’m really alive. ~Spike Spiegel
Faye Valentine: Why do you have to go? Where are you going? What are going to do, just throw your life away like it was nothing?
Spike Spiegel: Kids… animals… and women with attitude.
The past is the past and the future is the future. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. The present is the present. I am who I am and you are who you are. That’s all there is to it. Does it really matter? Or do we just think it does? – Faye Valentine
Everything has a beginning and an end. Life is just a cycle of starts and stops. There are ends we don’t desire, but they’re inevitable. We have to face them. It’s what being human is all about.
Well, it happens to a lot of us. Sometimes, we are so into our fantasy world and dreams that we forget about reality. Has it ever happened to you? You went to sleep, you had the best dream, and then you suddenly woke up to find that all that was just an illusion.
Angels banished from heaven have no choice but to become devils.― Vicious
Before this life of yours ends, tell me something: Is my memory still left on Titan? Am I living in the real world? Or is this just a dream that these butterflies are showing me? Are they a part of the dream? — Vincent Volaju
Do you know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you. ~Faye ValentineCowboy Bebop sayings
Spike Spiegel: I’m not going there to die. I’m going to find out if I’m really alive. I have to do it, Faye.
Spike Spiegel: So why do we have all three neatly gathered on our ship?
Survival of the fittest is the law of nature. We deceive or we are deceived. Thus, we flourish or perish. Nothing good ever happened to me when I trusted others. That is the lesson. – Faye Valentine
That’s super scary and sad. It’s the same case with Spike. I don’t know what dream the guy’s been watching but it must be painful for the lad.
It’s just that he was all alone. Always by himself. Never anyone to share the game. A man who lived in dreams—that’s who he was. — Spike Spiegel
Survival of the fittest is the law of nature. We deceive or we are deceived. Thus, we flourish or perish. Nothing good ever happened to me when I trusted others. That is the lesson. ~Faye Valentine
Faye Valentine: I tell ya, instead of being alone in a group, it’s better to have real solitude all by yourself.
Don’t you want to hang out and waste your life with us?
They often say that humans can’t live alone. But you can live pretty long by yourself. Instead of feeling alone in a group, it’s better to be alone in your solitude. – Faye Valentine
Years ago, back when I was much younger, I was afraid of nothing. I had not the slightest fear of death. I was ready to die anytime. But then I met a special woman. She made me want to go on living. For the first time, I was afraid of death. A feeling I’d never had before. — Spike Spiegel
Faye Valentine: The past is the past and the future is the future. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. The present is the present. I am who I am and you are who you are. That’s all there is to it. Does it really matter? Or do we just think it does?
A fallen angel banished from heaven, arises into the light to be received by the benevolence of God…
Jet Black, from the Cowboy Bebop anime script― Keiko Nobumoto
I’m just a gun-toting weathergirl. — Faye Valentine
Faye Valentine: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can’t leave alone.
I was younger then, and I wasn’t afraid of anything, I didn’t think about dying for a second. I thought I was invincible. Then I met a girl. I wanted to live, I started to think like that; for the first time, I was afraid of death. I had never felt like that before.
Of the days that I have lived, only those I spent with you seemed real. – Vincent Volaju
This is what usually happens when you have something to lose. So in this case, it seems like Spike is telling us that after he got something he never wanted to lose, he had this urge to start living for the love.
Damn it! Morons don’t learn until they die! — Faye Valentine
Everything has a beginning and an end. Life is just a cycle of starts and stops. There are ends we don’t desire, but they’re inevitable, we have to face them. It’s what being human is all about. ~ Jet Black
Faye Valentine: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
We are all in the perpetual quest to keep ourselves occupied, entertained, and important—which burns at the edge of addiction.
No one can draw a clear line between sane and insane. You move that line as you see fit for yourself. No one else can. You’ll understand soon… that the one that’s insane is this world. – Vincent Volaju
Ugh! It’s ideas like this that get people killed! — Faye Valentine
They say hunger is the best spice. ~Spike Spiegel Cowboy Bebop dialogues
Faye Valentine: You know the first rule of combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.
Why do people stay longer in my head than they do in my life?
Know much about purgatory? It’s the place between heaven and hell, where those who were left behind, unable to get into heaven continue to suffer, a place of struggle and pain. In other words, the world that we’re in now. – Vincent Volaju
Oh boy. Another deep quote by our MC. Spike was very romantic and sad, I’d say. In this quote, he’s talking about how people are more in his head than in his life. This means that our guy overthinks a lot. A LOT! Calm down, boy. You have a life to live.
Do not fear Death. Death is always at our side. — Laughing Bull
Faye Valentine: Survival of the fittest is the law of nature. We deceive or we are deceived. Thus, we flourish or perish. Nothing good ever happened to me when I trusted others. That is the lesson.
Since then, I have been seeing the past in one eye and the present in the other.
It’s just like Charlie said in my dream. If you want to receive you have to give. See Spike, you got to listen to your dreams, that’s how you find your dream girl. – Jet Black
For sure! Hunger is really important if you want to succeed in life. It gives you the fuel, urges, and motivation to change something within yourself that’ll bring you closer to your goal.
When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light. But, if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity. — Laughing Bull
Remember, this could be a trap; a continuation of the game. ~Jet
bull: Do not fear death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light, but if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity…
They say hunger is the best spice.
Humans were meant to work and sweat for their money after all. Those who try to get rich quickly or live at the expense of others – all get divine retribution along the way. That is the lesson. But, one thing about humans is that they quickly forget the lesson they have learned. – Jet Black
Do you know what I’m saying? So be hungry. Not literally but in terms of gaining knowledge, trying something new, and following your routine that’ll get you towards your goal.
I have no fear of death. It just means dreaming in silence. A dream that lasts for eternity. — Vincent Volaju
It’s the best. Belonging is the very best thing there is. ~Faye Valentine
Spike Spiegel: I’m not a criminal. Oh, that makes me seem even more like a criminal, doesn’t it?
I’m watching a dream I’ll never wake up from.
Men always seem to think about their past before they die, as though they were frantically searching for proof that they truly lived. – Jet Black
Oh boy. This is a perfect quote, to sum up the life of an individual. Nothing is certain in our lives. We don’t know what the next second will bring. It can bring joy, sadness, death, and anything that you’d not even remember.
I’m not going there to die. I’m going to find out if I’m really alive. — Spike Spiegel
If you want to dream, just do it by yourself. ~Spike SpiegelSpike Spiegel quotes
Hackers are nerdy, pasty, tubby, little geeks with triple thick glasses and this is probably a demented otaku with smelly feet. So catching him will be a breeze!
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