Are you looking for smile quotes? Here is the right place to get the best collections of smile quotes and messages. Share quotations with your friends and family.
When you smile, your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress. Then other neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins come into play too.
Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.
I have many problems in life. But my lips don’t know that. They always smile.
Peace begins with a smile.
A smile is a happiness you’ll find right under your nose.
Be somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.
Smile Quotes

A smile is the best thing a girl can wear.
If you’re reading this…Congratulations, you’re alive. If that’s not something to smile about, then I don’t know what is.
A simple smile. That’s the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others.
Be the reason someone smiles today.
There is fear when frowning. There is love when smiling.
Smile. It’s the second-best thing you can do with your lips.
Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people.
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.
Nothing shakes the smiling heart.
Keep walking and keep smiling.
Even if you cannot change all the people around you, you can change the people you choose to be around.

Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart.
Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.
Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace.
The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.
You can only hold a smile for so long, after that it’s just teeth.
Life is too short to waste your time on people who don’t respect, appreciate, and value you.
If you smile when you are alone, then you mean it.
Throw kindness around like confetti.
Smiling is one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that’s beautiful.
Smile. Have you ever noticed how easily puppies make human friends? Yet all they do is wag their tails and fall over.
More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

All people smile in the same language.
Smile, smile, smile at your mind as often as possible. Your smiling will considerably reduce your mind’s tearing tension.
Smile is the beauty of the soul.
When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.
Smile! It increases your face value.
No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.
Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.
When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.
Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.
I love those who can smile in trouble.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Smile, happy looks good on you.
A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.
I have chosen to be happy because it’s good for my health.
When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.
Smile. Be open and welcoming.
Happiness is the art of never holding in your mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed.
Before you put on a frown, make sure there are no smiles available.
Don’t worry. Be happy.
When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.
I may not amount to much, but at least I am unique.
Smile at strangers and you just might change a life.
A smile is a facelift that’s in everyone’s price range!

When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back with a smile.
I’m going to stand outside. So if anyone asks, I am outstanding.
Just for today, smile a little more.
Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning, and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life.
When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.
When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
Gratitude paints little smiley faces on everything it touches.
When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by if you smile through your fear and sorrow.
When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going.
Dream big and dare to fail.
Use your smile to change the world but don’t let the world change your smile.
You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile.

When times are tough, dare to be more challenging.
A smile is a friend-maker.
Find joy in the ordinary.
People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile.
When love hurts you, dare to love again.
Never regret anything that made you smile.
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours.
When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew.
When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.
Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.
Deep Smile Quotes

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles.
When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.
A gentle word, a kind look, and a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.
He who laughs last didn’t get it.
Learn to smile in every situation. See it as an opportunity to prove your strength and ability.
When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.
A smile will even make the darkest of clouds shine.
Start every day with a smile.
A smile is the chosen vehicle of all ambiguities.

When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.
Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don’t get so worked up about things.
Create your sunshine.
It is impossible to persuade a man who agrees but smiles
Smile, it’s free therapy.
When the day has ended, dare to feel as if you’ve done your best.
The smile that is worth the praises of earth is the smile that shines through tears.
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs are more people who have come alive.
A smiling face is a beautiful face. A smiling heart is a happy heart.
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
And then he gives me a smile that seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me.
A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks.

The greatest self is a peaceful smile, that always sees the world smiling back.
Laugh, even when you feel too sick or too worn out or tired.
Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
If you’re not using your smile, you’re like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook.
Colors are the smiles of nature.
Sing, even when people stare at you and tell you your voice is crappy.
Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you.
When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.
Science teaches us to think but love teaches us to smile.
Trust, even when your heart begs you not to.

I smile like a flower not only with my lips but with my whole being.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
People who keep stiff upper lips find that it’s damn hard to smile.
Just smiling at someone walking down the street can make the person’s day. It’s all about paying it forward.
Twirl, even when your mind makes no sense of what you see.
I eat every two hours. I sleep for eight hours. I have lots of water. I pray to keep calm. Most importantly, I have a smile on my face.
There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things that are beyond the power of our will.
Frolick, even when you are made fun of. Kiss, even when others are watching. Sleep, even when you’re afraid of what the dreams might bring.
A smile is the best way to get away with trouble even if it’s a fake one.
Smiles are pretty much universal – no matter your language or culture, a smile at its core means friendship, happiness, and ease.
Start each day with a grateful heart.
If we are not able to smile, then the world will not have peace.

Run, even when it feels like you can’t run anymore.
Smile at the obstacle, for it is a bridge.
Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A ‘you can do it when things are tough.
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