Are you looking for selfish people quotes? Here is the right place to get the best collections of selfish people quotes and messages. Share these quotations who are selfish people.
Selfishness and greed, individual or national, cause most of our troubles. – Harry S. Truman
Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. – Oscar Wild
Selfish people suffer from a vice that makes them helpless and vicious and can be pitied but never befriended.
Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness. – Martin Luther King Jr.
Your conscience is the measure of the honesty of your selfishness. Listen to it carefully. ― Richard Bach
Selfish People Quotes

Selfish people are in a way terribly capable of great love. – F. Scott Fitzgerald
The only difference between a hero and a villain is that the villain chooses to use that power in a way that is selfish and hurts other people. – Chadwick Boseman
What are selfish people but ones who use the weakness of others for their own pleasure? – Unknown
Selfish individuals are the most self-centered people on Earth. Creating relations with such people can bring doom to those who make such a choice.
Selfishness must always be forgiven you know because there is no hope of a cure. — Jane Austen
Almost every sinful action ever committed can be traced back to a selfish motive. It is a trait we hate in other people but justify in ourselves. – Stephen Kendrick
Selfishness comes from poverty in the heart, from the belief that love is not abundant. — Don Miguel Ruiz
To all selfish people, Stay real. stay loyal or stay away from me. – Unknown
If you are planning to live a meaningful life, to begin with, cut down selfish friends from your life.
We are selfish but be wise selfish rather than foolish, self-sided selfish. — Dalai Lama
We all should rise, above the clouds of ignorance, narrowness, and selfishness. – Booker T. Washington
I hate liars, hypocrites, and people who take advantage of people who care about them. – Unknown
Selfishness is the gateway to other sins. It is only second to vanity, the most beloved iniquity of Evil.
We are all selfish and I no more trust myself than others with a good motive. ― Lord Byron

Don’t fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you. — Unknown
Giving yourself some loving attention is not selfish. It is sensible. If you feel loved and cherished, even if it is only by yourself, then you will have more love to give to others, too. – Penelope Quest
Knowing selfishness from prioritizing yourself is essential. Selfish people alter others’ needs as per their wishes. Prioritizing yourself means saving your inner self from the selfish demands of the world.
Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice and is never the result of selfishness. – Napoleon Hill
Glory, built on selfish principles, is shame and guilt. — William Cowper
Intensely selfish people are always very decided as to what they wish. They do not waste their energies in considering the good of others. – Ouida
Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot I only exist to you when you need something. – Unknown
Thinking about your gains can deprive others of their wants and choices, which is what is scarier about being around selfish people.
Let us try to teach generosity and altruism because we are born selfish. — Richard Dawkins
Selfish people tend to only be good to themselves… then are surprised when they are alone. — Steve Maraboli
Suppose you were the last one left? Suppose you did that to yourself? – Cormac McCarthy
Someone who smiles too much with you can sometimes frown too much with you at your back. – Michael Bassey Johnson
A selfish core gives birth to the two most derogatory activities of the world- brainwashing and mind games.

Every experiment, by multitudes or by individuals, that has a sensual and selfish aim, will fail. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is interesting how the selfish, the ignorant, and the constantly angry all tend to be the same person. — Wayne Gerard Trotman
If there is one thing I dislike, it is the man who tries to air his grievances when I wish to air mine. – P.G. Wodehouse
No man will work for your interests unless they are his.- David Seabury
When someone is desperate about themselves, they turn selfish. Take it easy; no one escapes the claws of death on this Earth.
Almost every sinful action ever committed can be traced back to a selfish motive. It’s a trait we hate in other people but justify in ourselves. — Stephen Kendrick
A selfless act out of even the purest desire to do for others will be selfish in the satisfaction and happiness it brings to one doing it. – Ashly Lorenzana
The real measure of selfishness is by asking a person how much he is willing to sacrifice. – Unknown
Selfishness is a trait that festers and feeds on the good of others.
The poison of selfishness destroys the world. — Catherine of Siena
The subsistence mentality of a person is a prison in which his personal joy is detained. If you want to live in joy, you don’t live for yourself alone. Live for others too. – Israelmore Ayivor
Selfish people also tend to have victim mindsets… Their actions plant seeds of loneliness; then they cry upon the blooming. – Steve Maraboli
Loving you and caring for your own heart and mind is not being selfish- it is a necessity.

You can’t expect to have a deep relationship with a shallow person. — Doe Zantamata
In an individual, selfishness uglifies the soul; for the human species, selfishness is extinction. – David Mitchell
Oh Sorry! I forgot. I only exist whenever you need something. – Unknown
People who love themselves know the thin line between self-love and selfishness.
Someone who smiles too much with you can sometimes frown too much with you at your back. — Michael Bassey Johnson
Even the early droplets of selfish decisions suggest a direction. Then the little inflecting rivulets come, merging into small brooks and soon into larger streams; finally, one is swept along by a vast river that flows into the gulf of misery and endless whoa. – Neal A. Maxwell
I am thankful for the selfish people in my life. They have shown me, exactly who I don’t want to be. – Unknown
Selfish people often take selflessness as a weakness. But then they do not know that it equally takes nothing to be selfish.
Selfish: a judgment readily passed by those who have never tested their power of sacrifice. — George Eliot
It’s way too easy to see the real face of a person. They’re amiable and full of pretense when they want something from you, but the minute you don’t give in, back away, or put yourself first, as they do, is the minute they show you who they are. – Donna Lynn Hope
Fake friends show their true colors when they don’t need you anymore. – Unknown
Foolish, selfish people are always thinking of themselves and the result is always negative. Wise persons think of others, helping them as much as they can, and the result is happiness. Love and compassion are beneficial both for you and others. Through your kindness to others, your mind and heart will open to peace.
A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shines. — Benjamin Franklin

A man is nothing more than the things he does to get what he wants. – Hal Ackerman
Almost every sinful action ever committed can be traced back to a selfish motive. It’s a trait we hate in other people but justify in ourselves.
Selfishness is when you only remember a friend if you need something from them. — Unknown
Better not to plant seeds of selfishness than try to eradicate them once they have grown into giant weeds. – Prem Prakash
The most miserable people are those who only care about themselves, understand only their own troubles, and see only their own perspectives. – Unknown
Intensely selfish people are always very decided as to what they wish. They do not waste their energies on considering the good of others. ―Ouida
Love is the most selfish of all passions. – Alexandre Dumas
Almost every sinful action ever committed can be traced back to a selfish motive. It’s a trait we hate in other people but justify in ourselves. – Stephen Kendrick
Friendships built on selfish motifs and principles are like castles built on sand.
No man is more cheated than the selfish man. — Henry Ward Beecher
Just two choices on the shelf, pleasing God or pleasing self. – Ken Collier
If you live your life as if everything is about you. You will be left with just that. Just you. – Unknown
Selfish friends resemble your shadow. Even though your shadow is the closest to you but it can never provide you with the shade you desire in life.

What a cage is to the wild beast, the law is to the selfish man. — Herbert Spencer
I respect all innocent souls because they are kind enough to forgive the selfish people around them. – Saurabh Sharma
There seemed to be three choices: to give up trying to love anyone, to stop being selfish, or to learn to love a person while continuing to be selfish. – Lydia Davis
Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions. – Unknown
Selfish friends only have themselves in the end.
Be warned: A person content to sit with you and criticize others will speak critically of you out of earshot. — Richelle E Goodrich
You can’t be faulted for being selfish if you’re going to get better because of it. – Jerry Lewis
They’re not happy for you because they wish it was them. – Carlos Wallace
You will exist for your selfish friends only when they need something.
Better not to plant seeds of selfishness than try to eradicate them once they have grown into giant weeds. — Prem Prakash
Selfish people try to keep or get things but they lose people. – Hannah Garrison
Toxic people defy logic. Some are blissfully unaware of the negative impact that they have on those around them, and others seem to derive satisfaction from creating chaos and pushing other people’s buttons. – Travis Bradberry
A selfish man would shriek at the thought of making a sacrifice. Test your friend by asking them to make a small sacrifice, and you would know if you still want to be their friend.
A person is called selfish, not for pursuing his or her own good, but for neglecting his or her neighbor’s. — Richard Whately
When you work together in a creative way, you have to be less selfish about your ideas and learn to let both parties feel valued. Of course, that’s also a really great quality to have in a relationship, too. – St. Lucia
Some people aren’t loyal to you, they are loyal to their need of you. Once their needs change, so does their loyalty. – Unknown
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