Are you looking for spiritual quotes? Here is the right place to get the best collections of short and deep spiritual quotes and sayings. These quotes by Jey. Share these quotations with your friends, and social media platforms.
I’m not this body, But I’m living in this body. I am a conscious being.
I’m lonely but I’m the only one.
Think like an unbiased person…
I am nor die or I am nor born. just I am.
I am not here and there. I am everywhere.
Spiritual Quotes

You are the universe expressing itself as a human form. – Jey
The ending is the new beginning.
I’m living and dead together.
I am everywhere and nowhere.
I am beyond space and time.
There is no one except me.
You are, and so I am.
If you know who you are your suffering comes to end.
If you don’t know yourself then what will you know?

Change is birth and death. Both are not the same. – Jey
who is conciseness being those who can see the birth and death game?
Suffer comes when you think I’m different from others. you are not alone. we all are one.
There is no way to kill you. You are in actuality. You are not that. There is no way to save you.
There is no way to kill you. You are Om, Allah, Jesus. you are that.
Aap jo actual me ho usko marne ka koi tharika naiye. Aur jo vo nai ho bacha ne koi tharika nai ye
Every second is constantly your body changing. But you don’t know.
Humans are born and die but I am not.
The state of love where you connect everything everywhere plants to animals and people.
Is a thought then I am. If there is no thought then I am not.

Realization is life, that life can never die. – Jey
The person you don’t know. You can’t think of that person.
If you are looking for any kind of subject or object. You want it or become it. But you don’t know you are that. You are the source of creation.
As long as you are saying that I am this body, how will you be happy?
I am consciousness, everywhere consciousness I am there.
I’m the universe
I’m infinite
It’s all in us
We are one
We are that
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