Are you looking for xxx tentacion quotes? Here is the right place to get the best collections of xxx tentacion quotes and sayings. Share these quotations with your friends, family, and social media platforms.
XXXTentacion (real name Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy) was an American rapper and singer known for his raw and emotional music. He rose to prominence in 2015 with his hit single “Look at Me!” and was considered a rising star in the hip-hop industry before his untimely death in 2018 at the age of 20.
Face everything that comes your way with as much confidence as you can muster.
If you love someone you’re supposed to be dedicated to them, right?
Your self-respect is what matters. You cannot have a good life or have other people respect you for that matter if you don’t respect yourself. ~Xxxtentacion
Life is a matter of perception. Everything is a riddle. You can simplify if you diversify your thoughts.
Who am I? Someone that’s afraid to let go.
XXX Tentacion Quotes

Don’t take anything in life for granted – not even your own happiness.
I used to beat kids at school just to get her to talk to me, and yell at me.
Being alone really makes you realize all you got is yourself.
you decide if you’re ever gonna let me know
This quote encourages us to never lose hope, no matter how dire our situation might seem. If we remain focused on our goals and refuse to give up, success will eventually find its way to us.
Follow your dreams, and know that even though you have lost, you have guardian angels watching over you, day in and day out. ~Xxxtentacion
In life, you don’t need a lot of friends, just the right ones.
You ain’t even showing me the love you say you got for me.
The only way to truly live is by embracing every moment and seizing every opportunity.
Depression and obsession don’t mix well.
What is money really worth if it ain’t love? ~Xxxtentacion
The enemy does not want you to be happy. Be happy, always.
Make sure you are being healthy in mind, caring, compromising for the ones you love, and being loyal to the ones you love. If you love someone you’re supposed to be dedicated to them, right?

Why am I so in love? Why am I so in love? Why am I so in love? I don’t know why.
At the end of the day, all you really have is yourself – so make sure you love and cherish that person.
I’m in pain, wanna put 10 shots in my brain I’ve been tripping bout some things, can’t change suicidal, the same time I’m tame.`
Is my pain your freedom?
Life is hard, but it’s even harder when you don’t give yourself the chance to succeed.
I can’t seem to find someone’s shoulder
I can’t seem to forget the pain you seem to give
The reason why I keep my feelings to myself is that I can’t explain them, not even to myself.
I’m sadder than most of you with the money and the freedom. – XXXTentacion
The only time I feel pain is when I’m feeling the love.
When things are difficult, remember that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and that it may not be as far away as it seems.
So outside of my misery, I think I’ll find A way of envisioning a better life
We all have our own unique paths in life, so never let anyone else tell you that you’re doing it wrong or that you don’t belong.

I’ve been feeling really lost, ducking all attachments
We’re all fighting battles no one knows about.
Remember that life is a journey, not a destination – so appreciate and savor every moment of it.
The enemy does not want you to be happy, be happy, always.
If people want to judge me, they can judge me.
I’m sadder than most of you with the money and the freedom
Your self-respect is what matters. You cannot have a good life or have other people respect you for that matter if you don’t respect yourself.
The most important thing is that when you get knocked down, get back up.
I’ve been trapped in my mind, just holding on.
Memories surface through the grapevine.
Your past does not define you; it simply shapes who you are today.
Make sure you are being healthy in mind, caring, compromising for the ones you love, and being loyal to the ones you love.
The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from enemies, it comes from those you trust the most.

So outside of my misery, I think I’ll find a way of envisioning a better life.
Be kind to one another, even when it’s not requested.
Time is valuable.. don’t waste it.
This quote reminds us that while our past experiences may have shaped the person we are today, they do not have to control our future or limit what we can achieve. We all have the power to overcome our struggles a
Grow your wings, fly away, fly away, fly away, and create a brighter future for ourselves. By holding on to past mistakes or hardships, we only limit ourselves and prevent ourselves from reaching our full potential.
But by choosing to move forward with courage, determination, and hope, we can break free from our past and live our best lives.
I advise you to not hide your feelings, don’t pretend to be okay when you’re not okay and don’t pretend to be happy when you’re sad, it’ll only lead to your misery.
It is all a process, the longer you wait the longer it will take.
All alone, call my phone, make me feel right.
In order to succeed in life, we must first believe that we are worthy of success.
Follow your dreams, and know that even though you have lost, you have guardian angels watching over you, day in and day out
Who am I? Someone that’s afraid to let go
Whether you realize it or not, every day you evolve and create a thought.
But it’s torture being in love

When life knocks you down, the most important thing is to get back up again.
The most important thing is that, when you get knocked down, get back up.
If you love someone, you’re supposed to be dedicated to them, right?
I could never say I understand how you are all feeling, nor can I find the right words to say to you, but I do want you all to know, you are not alone.
Sometimes you have to let go of the life you planned so you can grab onto the one that is waiting for you.
Hello, from the dark side in Does anybody here wanna be my friend?
Doesn’t matter if I fucking die a tragic death or some shit. As long as the kids perceive my message and used it and turn it into something positive and are able to make something of themselves.~XXXTentacion
If we live in a world governed by feeling and emotion, let’s just make sure it’s a good one.
Carry on, like flights, I just carry on. With this pain inside my chest. Got no choice but to carry on.
Life is a game, but no one ever said that you have to play it alone.
Carry on, like flights, I just carry on With this pain inside of my chest got no choice but to carry on
Your choices in life determine your destiny, so always choose wisely.
I’m in pain, and wanna put 10 shots in my brain I’ve been tripping bout some things, and can’t change suicidal, same time I’m tame.

You can be around a million people and still be alone. I know what that feels like.
Trapped in a concept, falsely accused.
Please don’t throw your love away.
Sometimes the greatest act of courage is simply having faith.
It is all a process. The longer you wait, the longer it will take.
Memories surface through the grapevine.
Please stop making me think you care if you don’t.
People always leave. Don’t get too attached.
Your respect is what matters. You cannot have a good life or have other people respect you for that matter if you don’t respect yourself.
Memories surface through the grapevine.
Some people just don’t deserve you. They aren’t ready for your level of loyalty or love. You have to remember that not everyone was raised like you. Not everyone has a pure heart or good intentions like you. And not everyone has your best interest and wants to see you succeed.
I like to rock out like I’m a misfit.
Life is way too difficult to stress over people who do not care about me or benefit me.
I don’t know anybody else here that obviously tries to pave their own way or is strong enough to distribute their own mind. I came here and I was still able to do what I wanted. I was still able to show my work and my lyrics. I was still able to go against the grain.

You can’t do well if you’re wishing bad on others.
Follow your dreams, and know that even though you have lost, you have guardian angels watching over you, day in and day out.
I can’t seem to forget the pain you seem to give
I gave her everything. She took my heart and left me lonely. I’ve been broken, the heart’s contentious. I won’t fix it, I’d rather
Would I change anything about my journey? No.
weep, I’m lost then I’m found, but it’s torture being in love.
My heart can’t take this damage.
Some kill, some steal, and some break your heart.
If worse things come to worst, and I die or something and I’m not able to see out my dreams, I at least want to know that the kids perceived my message and were able to make something of themselves and able to take my message and use it and turn it into something positive and to at least have a good life.
I was the kid who wouldn’t say much. I never really spoke, I always acted, and that was always my problem.
I’m always where the sun doesn’t shine.

And every single year I’m drowning in my tears, and I’m drowning in my tears again.
I love when you’re around But I hate when you leave
I like what people like.
Memories surface through the grapevine.
Mmm, baby, I don’t understand this. You’re changing, I can’t stand it. My heart can’t take this damage. And the way I feel, can’t stand it. Mmm, baby, I don’t understand this. You’re changing, I can’t stand it.
If people want to judge me they can judge me.
In school, I hated anything that made me feel dumb (choir & chorus), and I wanted to find my own way with these things.
I can’t seem to forget the pain you seem to give
It’s unfortunate because it’s like, yo, when people die, that’s when we like ’em, you know? ‘Cause your remorse kinda makes you check ’em out.
Do not let your depression make you. Do not let your body define your soul; let your soul define your body. Your mind is limitless. You are worth more than you can believe. All you have to do is dream and all you have to do is want to fulfill that dream and have the strength.
Nobody will ever completely know you.
So outside of my misery, I think I’ll find. A way of envisioning a better life.
Rain keeps falling, tears keep falling. Darling, your love is like walking a bed of nails and I just can’t keep on fine.
Tired of feelin’ like I’m trapped in my damn mind. – XXXTentaction
I could never say I understand how you are all feeling, nor can I find the right words to say to you, but I do want you all to know, you are not alone.
Being alone really makes you realize all you got is yourself.
Some kill, some steal, and some break your heart.
You ain’t even showing me the love you say you got for me.
I was the kid who wouldn’t say much. I never really spoke, I always acted, and that was always my problem.
So outside of my misery, I think I’ll find a way of envisioning a better life.
People always leave. Don’t get too attached.
Why am I so in love? Why am I so in love? Why am I so in love? I don’t know why.
Who am I? Someone that’s afraid to let go.
We’re all fighting battles no one knows about.
If we live in a world governed by feeling and emotion, let’s just make sure it’s a good one.
And every single year I’m drowning in my tears, and I’m drowning in my tears again.
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