Are you looking for Jumma Mubarak quotes? Here is the right place to get the best collections of Jumma Mubarak quotes and messages. Wish your friends and family.
Jumma Mubarak is a traditional Muslim greeting devoted for use on the Jumu’ah, the holiest day of the week on which special congregational prayers are offered. The phrase translates into English as “Happy Friday”.
Jumma Mubarak to you! May Allah bless you with infinite happiness.
May Almighty Allah never spare us a second from the abundance of the word of testimony.
Asalam-o-Alaikum everyone, Jumma Mubarak. Don’t forget me in your prayers, May Allah bless you all
From the little evildoing to the enormous, may Allah pardon all of us on this valuable day and guide us in the right way. Jumma Mubarak to all.
Jumma Mubarak! May Allah shower every Muslim with his unconditional blessings.
Jumma Mubarak Quotes

May He grant us to be among those who lead a life in His path and who take every breath and the last with the word of testimony. Jummah Mubarak.
Dear friend, Jumma Mubarak to you and your family. Today is all about counting the blessings of life and expressing gratitude to Allah, so don’t miss the prayer!
Jumma Mubarak to you and your family. May Allah keep you safe, healthy, hopeful, and happy through your prayers!
Let us pursue good and nice things that will help us get close to Him, not negative things that will drag us away from the Lord. Jummah Mubarak!
Assalam Alaikum everyone. has a blessed and happy day by the grace of Allah.
Wishing you a blessed Jumma. May all your prayers be heard today!
Jumma Mubarak to All! May Allah fulfill all our hopes and aspirations through our prayers!
A Muslim is a brother to a Muslim. He does not betray him, he does not lie to him, and nor does he fail him in times of difficulty. May Allah help through. Jumma Mubarak!
As Friday Shines in the heart of believers may you be among the ones who will receive the benefits and blessing of Friday Prayers. Jummah Mubarak.
On the Jumma, all I pray is that may you be blessed with the favors of Allah and that your life is filled with good health, joy, love, and peace. Happy Friday.
Every drop of tear that comes out from a pure, grieved heart, finds its peace in Allah’s blessings! May Allah the Almighty relieve you of your pains and sorrows this Friday! Jumma Mubarak!
Allah (SWT) is the One who favors us with each drop of the water we drink and each bite of the food we eat. Jumaah Kareem.

Happy Jummah. May Almighty endows His numerous favors on you and your family every Friday!
Happy Friday my friend. May you be blessed with peace of mind, good health, and uncountable favors of Allah!
Remember everything a servant of Allah endures every loss he experiences, Allah always has a reward for him. Jummah Mubarak.
May Allah bless you and your family by the plenitude of blessings… Ameen! Jummah Mubarak Quote.
May Allah grant you mercy for the sake of this holy day! Jumma Mubarak!
Wish you a blessed and pleasant Jummah. May this valuable day bring satisfaction to your heart and fill your life with the endowments of Allah!
The most sacred day with countless blessings and mercies of Allah. may this jummah lighten your life with the teachings of Islam and protect you from calamity have a blessed Friday.
The prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him said: that the best day that the sun rises upon is the day of Jummah (Friday).
Wish you a blessed and pleasant Jummah. May this valuable day bring satisfaction to your heart and fill your life with the endowments of Allah!
Jumma Mubarak dear friend! May Allah hear your repentance for your mistakes and answer your prayer for forgiveness.
The strength of Iman stays in your heart. and may Allah shower his countless blessings on you and your family on this holy day Jummah Mubarak.
Allah (SWT) knows what your silent heart wants, even if you don’t include it in your prayers.
Jummah Mubarak Quotes. O Allah, Forgive me all my sins great and small, the first and the last those that are apparent and those that are hidden. Amin.
We are indeed fortunate to live until another Friday! Have a blessed Jumma!

Jumma Mubarak my love! The Almighty Allah shall bless you with new hope and happiness!
Pray to Allah (SWT) sincerely believing it will be answered. Allah (SWT) does not respond to prayers from a frivolous and indifferent heart. Happy Friday.
The Friday prayer in the congregation is an obligation of every single Muslim. except for four: an owned slave, a woman, a child, and a sick person.
Praying you all to have a day filled with countless blessings and boundless happiness! Jumma Mubarak to All!
May Almighty Allah wipes away your secret tears, may He answer your prayers, may He grants your heart desire, and may he never forsake you. Happy last Friday to Ramadan.
Again the day of Rahmat- Jumma is here. May Allah bestow His blessings and mercy upon you and your family!
Jumma Mubarak to you and your family. May Allah always let our hearts and psyches ready for the supplication of Him and keep us grateful for all His favors.
Jummah Mubarak! I wish you and your family a blissful and blessed Jumma. May Allah grant you mercy for the sake of this holy day!
As today is the last Friday of Ramadan may Almighty Allah spear our lives, may He protect our Iman away from Shaitan, and may He provide for us abundantly before during, and after Ramadan.
On this holy day, hold out your hands in prayer and ask forgiveness for all the wrongdoings and mistakes! May Allah forgive you. Jumma Mubarak!
All I wish is that every Jummah prayer brings peace, joy, and forgiveness of Allah to all of your lives and strengthens your faith in Him. Jumma Mubarak.
When sadness fills your heart and tears flow in your eyes, Always remember three things. Allah is with you, still with you, and always with you. Friday Mubarak.
Deep Jumma Mubarak Quotes

Through the prayer of Jumma, we get closer to our Lord and He opens the heavenly door of His Rahmat to us. Wishing you a graceful Jumma!
Jumma Mubarak to you! May this day bring peace and serenity to you.
May Allah Control our Hearts while going astray, and divert our thoughts from planning evils against others. Jummah Mubarak.
Fridays hold different meanings in the hearts of all Muslims, as the joy of attending another Jumma floods our hearts. May Allah accept our prayers! Jumma Mubarak!
Jumma Mubarak to all of you. May Allah listen to our petitions and favor us this Friday by lessening all our troubles!
Happy Jumma to you! Seek forgiveness to Allah on this blessed day!
Allah makes a night out of the day and makes a day out of the night, brings out the dead from the living, and brings out the living from the dead.
Wishing you a blessed and glorious Jumma! May our earnest prayers are heard by the Almighty today, and our sins are forgiven by His grace!
Happy Jumma to you! Seek forgiveness to Allah on this blessed day!
Accelerated grace shall locate you and irreversible greatness shall be your daily experience today.
Making Dua for the others without knowing them is one of the exceptional beauties of Islam and in return, the angels would recommend it to Allah for you. Keep praying.
Jumma Mubarak to you! May this day bring peace and serenity to you.

This Friday, the voice that helps Musa shall make a way for you where you think there is no way. Happy Jumaat Ikwani.
Through the prayer of Jumma, we get closer to our Lord and He opens the heavenly door of His Rahmat to us. Wishing you a graceful Jumma!
May you find a way where none exists, May you be blessed when you least expect may Allah’s Barakah fill your home, today and beyond. Jumaat Kareem.
Allah’s benevolence knows no boundary indeed, may He bless you! We are indeed fortunate to live until another Friday! Have a blessed Jumma!
Jumma Mubarak to everyone! Let us seek mercy and make Dua to the Benevolent!
Allah (SWT) restored Ayub’s health, He delivered Yunus from the shirk, He rescued Noah and his followers from the water, and He defended Ibrahim from the mighty fire of Nomura.
Jumma Mubarak. Come to pray on schedule for the Jumma prayer and receive the reward of as much as offering a camera.
How lucky we are to be able to stand before Allah and ask for forgiveness! Jumma Mubarak!
Allah will give you reasons to laugh over every situation and tears of sorrow shall never drop from your eyes. In Sha Allah. Jumaat Naheem.
Jumma Mubarak! May we be able to live by Allah’s orders till next Jumma!
Jumat Mubarak! Allah’s benevolence knows no boundary indeed, may He bless you!
May Almighty Allah grant you the grace to overcome all reigning challenges in your life today and beyond. Happy best day.

Praying for this sacred day to grace our lives with holy blessings! Jumma Mubarak!
Today, those who present themselves as your friends but are deadly enemies Allah will expose & disgrace. Happy last Friday to Ramadan.
Jumma Mubarak! Allah’s benevolence knows no boundary indeed, may He bless you!
Jumma Mubarak to all of you. May Allah listen to our petitions and favor us this Friday by lessening all our troubles!
Allah’s Shekinah will make your life always be peaceful and you shall be an example of all amazing things. Ameen. Juma’at Mufeed.
From petty mistakes to grave sins, nothing escapes Allah’s sight. May this Jumma allows us to ask for His mercy and blessings. Jumma Mubarak to you!
Through the prayer of Jumma, we get closer to our Lord and He opens the heavenly door of His Rahmat to us. Wishing you a graceful Jumma!
Friday Shines in the heart of the believers may you be among the ones who will receive the benefits and blessing of Friday Prayers. Jummah Mubarak.
Wishing you a blessed and glorious Jumma! May our earnest prayers are heard by the Almighty today, and our sins are forgiven by His grace!
Jumma Mubarak! May we be able to live by Allah’s orders till next Jumma!
Ya Allah, forgive me all my sins, great and small, the first and the last, those that are apparent and those that are hidden. Jummah Mubarak!
Isn’t it amazing that we hand over all our worries to Him and in return, Allah gives us blessings? So just keep praying and keep me in your prayers too.
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