We are providing beautiful Radha Krishna quotes and Radha Krishna love quotes in Hindi and English.
कोई भी अच्छा काम करने वाला कभी भी भयानक अंत तक नहीं आएगा,
या तो दुनिया में आने वाला है।
No one that does good work will ever come to a terrible ending, either in the world to come.
जब सुकून ना मिले दिखावे की बस्ती में
तब खो जाना मेरे श्याम की मस्ती में.
When peace is not found in the colony Then get lost in the fun of my Shyam.
कान्हा को राधा ने प्यार का पैगाम लिखा,
पुरे खत में सिर्फ कान्हा कान्हा नाम लिखा।
Radha wrote a message of love to Kanha, only Kanha Kanha was written in the entire letter.
पर्दा ना कर पुजारी दिखने दे राधा प्यारी
मेरे पास वक्त कम हैं, और बाते हैं ढेर सारी
Radha Pyari will not let the priest see her, I have less time, and talk a lot.
ख्वाईश बस इतनी सी, चाहिए एक छोटा सा पल,और साथ तुम सिर्फ तुम।।
राधा कृष्ण
The wish was just this, Want a small moment, And with you only you.
Radha Krishna
श्याम की बंसी जब भी बजी है,
राधा के मन में प्रीत जगी है.
Whenever Shyam’s flute is rung,
Preet awakened in Radha’s mind.
आत्म-विनाशकारी नरक के तीन द्वार हैं- वासना, क्रोध, और लालच।
There are three gates to self-destructive hell- Lust, Anger, And Greed.
जैसे राधा ने माला जपी श्याम के नाम की,
मैं भी ओढु चुनरिया तेरे नाम की..
As Radha chanted the garland to Shyam, I am also Odu Chunariya Tere Naam.
जिस पर राधा को मान हैं,
जिस पर राधा को गुमान हैं,
यह वही कृष्ण हैं जो राधा
के दिल हर जगह विराजमान हैं।
Which Radha believes in, On which Radha has pride This is Krishna who Radha’S heart sits everywhere.
रंग बदलती दुनिया देखी, देखा जग व्यवहार,
दिल टूटा तब मन को भाया ठाकुर तेरा दरबार।
Saw the world-changing colors, saw jug behavior, The heart was broken then the mind liked Thakur your court.
कन्हैया को राधा ने प्यार का पैगाम लिखा,
पूरे खत में सिर्फ कान्हा का ही नाम लिखा।
जय श्री कृष्णा।
Radha wrote a love message to Kanhaiya, Only Kanha’s name was written in the entire letter.
Hail lord Krishna.
Radha Krishna Quotes | Love Quotes of Radha Krishna

प्यार में इतनी बाधाएँ देखीं,
फिर भी कृष्ण के साथ राधा को देखा .. !!
Saw so many obstacles in love, Still saw Radha with Krishna.. !!
Love does not discriminate between friend and foe, nor differentiate between caste and creed.
It is a love that is beyond the physical, and it is a love that is spiritual. It is a love that is eternal
राधा कृष्ण का मिलन सिर्फ एक बहाना था,
दुनिया को प्यार का सही अर्थ बताना था।
Radha Krishna’s union was just an excuse, The world had to explain the true meaning of love.
Unconditional love is not a feeling; it’s a decision. You choose to love someone no matter what they do or say.
Love is the most beautiful thing in the world that cannot be seen, cannot be touched, it can only be felt in the heart.
सुना कृष्ण का प्रेम बांसुरी जब भी कान्हा मुरली बजाते हैं,
राधा रानी दौड़ती हुई आती हैं।
Heard Krishna’s love flute Whenever Kanha plays Murali, Radha Rani comes running.
Do everything you have to do,
but not with greed, not with ego,
not with lust, not with envy,
but with love, compassion, humility, and devotion.
The meaning of love is not to get married, but it is to completely devote yourself.
प्यार में कोई फायदा नहीं है,
प्यार अंतिम राशि है, अंतिम मिलन है …
There is no use in love, love is the final sum, the last union…
Fill your mind with me.
Love me, Serve me, Worship me always.
Looking for me in your heart, you will, finally, be joined with me.
If you have real Love in your heart then every second of waiting feels blissful.
अधुरा है मेरा इश्क तेरे नाम के बिना
जैसे अधूरी है राधा, श्याम के बिना..
My love is incomplete without your name, Like Radha is incomplete, without Shyam.
You should try to get rid of these three gates and open the gate of love for God and you will achieve whatever you want and you will sure as hell meet god one day.
Blessed is a human birth,
even the inhabitants in the sky desire this birth, for true wisdom and pure passion may be achieved only by a human being.
प्रेम की भाषा बड़ी आसान होती हैं,
राधा-कृष्ण की प्रेम कहानी ये पैगाम देती हैं।
The language of love is very easy,
Radha-Krishna’s love story gives this message.
You will not fall for any other attractions that can move you from your path if your love is pure and divine without any greed.
Pleasure is achieved by reducing your desires.
देखने का एकमात्र तरीका कुछ के लिए है,
“काला” काला है, तो कुछ के लिए यह सांवरिया (कृष्ण) है।
The only way to see is For some, “black” is black, So for some, it is Sanvariya (Krishna).
Love is the only reality, and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation.
Love is the light that dissolves all walls between people, nations, and religions”
जो अधूरी होकर भी पूरी है
जिसके बिना ये दुनिया सुनी है…
वही तो मेरी राधा कृष्ण की जोड़ी है…!!
Which is complete even if it is incomplete
Without which this world is heard…
He is my pair of Radha Krishna… !!
True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart
यदि प्रेम का मतलब सिर्फ पा लेना होता,
तो हर हृदय में राधा-कृष्ण का नाम नही होता।
If love meant only attaining, So Radha-Krishna is not mentioned in every heart.
गोकुल मैं हैं जिनका वास
गोपियो संग करे निवास
देवकी यशोदा हैं जिनकी मैया
ऐसे हैं हमारे कृष्ण कन्हैया
I live in Gokul Reside with Gopio Devaki Yashoda is a whose mother, is how our Krishna Kanhaiya.
यदि प्रेम का मतलब सिर्फ एक-दुसरे को पाना होता
तो हर हृदय में राधा-कृष्ण का नाम नही होता.
If love only meant to have each other, So Radha-Krishna does not have a name in every heart.
प्यार और तकदीर कभी साथ – साथ नहीं चलते
क्योकि जो तकदीर में होते है उनसे कभी प्यार नहीं होता
और जिससे हमे प्यार हो जाता है वह तकदीर में नहीं होता
राधे-राधे जय श्रीकृष्णा
Love and fortune never go together, Because those in destiny never love, And the one we fall in love with is not in luck
Radhe-Radhey Jai Shri Krishna.
मौका प्यार का इजहार करने का,
वरना डर तो हमें भगवान का भी नहीं लगता।
पर क्या करे डरना पड़ता है
क्योंकि हम भक्ति जो श्री कृष्ण की करते है।
The chance to express love, otherwise, we do not even think of God. But what to fear. Because we do devotion to Shri Krishna.
चारों तरफ फैल रही हैं, इनके प्यार की खुशबू थोड़ी-थोड़ी
कितनी प्यारी लग रही हैं, साँवरे-गोरी की यह जोड़ी
राधे-राधे जय श्रीकृष्णा
The fragrance of their love is spreading all around, This pair of horny white people are looking so cute
Radhe-Radhey Jai Shri Krishna.
राधा की चाहत हैं कृष्ण,
उसके दिल की विरासत हैं कृष्ण,
चाहे कितना भी रास रचा ले कान्हा
दुनिया तो फिर भी यही कहती हैं..
Radha wants Krishna, Her heart’s legacy is Krishna, No matter how much you think. The world still says the same.
राधा के सच्चे प्रेम का यह ईनाम हैं,
कान्हा से पहले लोग लेते राधा का नाम हैं।
This is the reward of Radha’s true love, People take Radha’s name before Kanha.
हर पल, हर दिन कहता हैं कान्हा का मन
तू कर ले पल-पल राधा का सुमिरन
Kanha’s mind says every moment, every day,
You can make Radha’s moment.
Also. visit: Unconditional Love Radha Krishna Quotes
Krishna quotes | Motivate You
For those who are unable to control their thinking, their thinking become their enemy.
The soul is neither born, nor dies, nor can it be burnt, nor can it be wet with water, the soul is immortal and indestructible.
Never be angry in life, because it can cause destruction in your life.
Much better to do one’s own work even if you have to do it imperfectly than it is to do somebody else’s work perfectly.

Just as the weather changes on the earth, happiness and sorrow also keep coming in life.
Sever the ignorant doubt in your heart with the sword of self-knowledge. Observe your discipline. Arise.
There is no use in worrying about what is not in our hands.
O Arjuna, if you want your welfare, leave all precepts and all religions and come to my shelter, I will give you salvation.

A man is made with his thoughts because he becomes what he thinks.
The soul leaves the old body in the same way as a human takes off old clothes and wears new clothes.
Greed, anger, and lust are the three gates of hell.
The one who is born is sure to die, the one who is dead is determined to be born, so it is futile to celebrate the truth.
For those who wish to climb the mountain of spiritual awareness, the path is selfless work. For those who have attained the summit of union with the Lord, the path is stillness and peace.

People who work day and night to achieve their goals overcome all the dangers that come their way.
I give heat, I rain and I stop, I am immortality and death too.
One can be his own best friend or his own enemy, the choice is yours!
A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return.

No one is born with it, you need to learn and develop the right attitude!
One who has control over the mind is tranquil in heat and cold, in pleasure and pain, and in honor and dishonor; and is ever steadfast with the Supreme Self.
The power of God is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument.
Good work does not need appreciation because it is done without expectation.

Minding our own business is better than looking into others.
God is present in every object, in every living being
No person can be impartial in the war on religion. In a battle of religion, a person who does not stand with religion means that he is supporting unrighteousness, he stands with unrighteousness.
Surround yourself with positive energy and feel the difference.
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