Are you looking for Easter Sunday quotes? Easter Sunday, an important day in Christianity, celebrates the rebirth of Jesus Christ from the dead. It celebrates the completion of the Passion of Jesus, preceded by Lent, 40 days of fasting, prayer, and penance.
On Easter Sunday, Christians delight in the victory of life over death. Explore our collection of Easter Sunday quotes. Share these quotations with your friends and social media.
Good Friday and Easter free us to think about other things far beyond our fate, about the ultimate meaning of all life, suffering, and events; and we lay hold of a great hope. —Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Easter was when Hope in person surprised the whole world by coming forward from the future into the present.
The great gift of Easter is hope. —Basil C. Hume
Let everything you do be done in love. – 1 Corinthians 16:14
Unless there is Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday.
Easter Sunday Quotes

Wishing you a blessed Easter filled with love, peace, and happiness!
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. —Anne Lamott
People celebrate Easter with their near and dear ones. Nothing can be a better holiday to spend with your family than to celebrate the journey of the life of Jesus.
It’s when you crack open a chocolate Easter egg, that smiles emerge.
For I remember Easter morn and life and love and peace are all newborn. —Alice Freeman Palmer
Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.- S.D. Gordon
Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is.
Easter tells us that life is to be interpreted not simply in terms of things but in terms of ideals.
May this Easter bring you new hope, new faith, and new beginnings. Happy Easter my dear friend.
I still believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and true love. Don’t even try to tell me different. —Dolly Parton
The entire plan for the future has its key in the resurrection.
God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.
Easter is the one morning in all of history where the dawn came twice; once on the eastern horizon and again in eternity. —Craig D. Lounsbrough

The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! – 2 Corinthians 5:17
Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.
Happy Easter! May this Easter, you receive the love of your family and friends, and may your heart be filled with joy and laughter.
Take it upon yourself where you live to make people around you joyful and full of hope. —Nelson Mandela
I do believe that God is love, one of deep affection and grace and forgiveness and inspiration.
Easter is very important to me. It’s a second chance. – Reba McEntire
Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.
Where man sees but withered leaves, God sees sweet flowers growing.
Let us celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the hope that it brings joy to our lives. Happy Easter!
Upon an Easter Morning, so early in the day, the organ in the chancel sang both grand and gay. — Eleanor Farjeon
It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.
If people did not love one another, I don’t see what use there would be in having any spring.

Twas Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees filled all the air with fragrance and with joy.
Christ the Lord is risen today, sons of men and angels say. Raise your joys and triumphs high; sing, ye heavens and earth reply.
Wishing happiness, love, and joy for you this Easter. Have a blessed Easter!
Easter is the only time when it’s perfectly safe to put all of your eggs in one basket. —Evan Esar
I must have flowers, always and always.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Happy Easter 2023! Easter is a time of new life, new beginnings, and renewed hope.
A joyful heart is like the sunshine of God’s love, the hope of eternal happiness. —Mother Teresa, nun
Dawn and resurrection are synonymous. The reappearance of the light is the same as the survival of the soul.
The deep roots never doubt that spring will come.
Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there. —Clarence W. Hall
April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. – William Shakespeare
To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

It’s not about the bunny; it’s about the lamb.
Wishing you a Happy Easter, a great treat, and an abundance of Easter eggs. Happy Easter 2023!
People come together with their families to celebrate Easter. What better way to celebrate than to spend a few hours going on the journey of Christ’s life? —Roma Downey
Faith makes all things possible. Love makes all things easy.
easter egg hunts are proof that children can find things when they want
Sending warm Easter wishes to you. May this Easter bring you happiness that lasts throughout the year.
I for sure believe in miracles. For me, seeing the world with light in your eyes is a miracle. It’s knowing there’s always hope and possibility where none seems to exist. —Oprah Winfrey
I am the resurrection and the life.
Easter egg hunts are proof that children can find things when they want.
Happy Easter Sunday! Wishing you a healthy and peaceful Easter.
Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life. —Janine di Giovanni, author
A rebirth out of spiritual adversity causes us to become new creatures.
That is one good thing about this world, there are always sure to be more springs.

May the true meaning of Easter be reflected in your life as you celebrate this special day with family and friends. Happy Easter 2023!
On Easter Day the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer. —Douglas Horton, clergyman
The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.
Spring is the time of plans and projects. —Leo Tolstoy
For I remember it is Easter Morn and life and love and peace are all newborn.
The reappearance of the light is the same as the survival of the soul.
Happy Easter Sunday! May you follow the path directed by Jesus Christ.
Don’t wait to see if the Easter Bunny is real. Just enjoy the egg hunt. —Shana Alexander, journalist
Today we celebrate the gift of victory over every fall we have ever experienced.
A flower blossoms for its joy. —Oscar Wilde
Spring has sprung and Easter is here! Wishing you a Happy Easter.
There would be no Christmas if there was no Easter.
We proclaim the resurrection of Christ when his light illuminates the dark moments of our existence. — Pope Francis

Where flowers bloom so does hope. —Lady Bird Johnson
Blessed are those who have not seen and have yet believed.
Happy Easter! May this day be as special and beautiful as you. Happy Easter 2023!
The resurrection is at the core of our beliefs as Christians. Without it, our faith is meaningless
Was Easter Sunday. The full-blossomed trees filled all the air with fragrance and with joy. —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Easter egg symbolizes our ability to break out of the hardened, protective shell we’ve surrounded ourselves with…
Sending sweet thoughts for a happy Easter. Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter 2023!
An end is only a beginning in disguise. —Craig D. Lounsbrough
A true friend is someone who thinks you’re a good egg, even if you’re cracked. — Unknown
Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime. —Martin Luther
If Easter says anything to us today, it says this: You can put truth in a grave but it won’t stay there
Wishing you a very Happy Easter 2023! May you feel the love of God on this blessed day.
Let your light shine before others. – Matthew 5:16

Christ has not only spoken to us by his life but has also spoken for us by his death. —Soren Kierkegaard
May the Easter bunny bring you lots of joy, smiles, and happiness this Easter holiday season. Happy Easter 2023!
I believe in Christ, as I believe in the sun — not because I can see it, but by it, I can see everything else.
The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ came to do three things. He came to have my past forgiven, you get a purpose for living and a home in Heaven. —Rick Warren
I wish you a blessed and peaceful Easter 2023 filled with love, joy, and hope. Wishing you and your family a pleased Easter!
But from this earth, this grave, this dust, my God shall raise me, I trust. —Walter Raleigh
Easter is one of my favorite holidays with the kids. They get to run loose, and we always have our family and loved ones all around us!
Christ the Lord is risen. Our joy that hath no end. —John of Damascus
May the spirit of Easter fill your heart with joy and your home with love. Happy Easter 2023!
Easter tells us that despite everything to the contrary, his will for us will prevail, love will prevail over hate, justice over injustice and oppression, peace over exploitation and bitterness. —Desmond Tutu
The story of Easter is the story of God’s wonderful window of divine surprise. — Carl Knudsen
Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song. —Pope John Paul II
Wishing you and your family a pleased Easter 2023. I wish new beginnings for you and your loved ones.

You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming. – Pablo Neruda
Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness and weakness and despair to strength and beauty and happiness. —Floyd W. Tomkins
Here is the amazing thing about Easter. The Resurrection Sunday for Christians is this: Christ in the dying moments on the cross gives us the greatest illustration of forgiveness possible. —T.D. Jakes
May this Easter be a time of renewal, and rebirth. Wishing you a happy Easter 2023!
Easter is always the answer to “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me! —Madeleine L’Engle
Hoping your Easter is as bright and beautiful as the springtime flowers. Wishing you a happy Easter 2023!
Angels, roll the rock away; Death, yield up thy mighty prey: See, He rises from the tomb, Glowing with immortal bloom. —Thomas Scott
They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they didn’t find the body of the Lord Jesus. —Luke 24:2–3
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