Are you looking for engineer’s day quotes? Here is the right place to get the best collections of Engineer’s day quotes and messages. Share these quotations with your friends, teachers, and social media platforms.
Every year India celebrates National Engineer’s day on September 15 to recognize and honour the achievements of the great engineer Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya.
Science is discovering the essential truths about what exists in the Universe, engineering is about creating things that never existed.
You are the one who can create anything with your brain and creativity because you are an engineer…. Wishing you a very Happy Engineers Day.
Science is about knowing; engineering is about doing. — Henry Petroski
Happy Engineer’s Day to all the Engineers. We salute your great ideas and innovations that have truly changed our lives.
Warm greetings on Engineers Day to you for putting your heart and soul into your profession, for creating such unique innovations, and for surprising us every day.
Engineer’s Day Quotes

At its heart, engineering is about using science to find creative, practical solutions. It is a noble profession. — Queen Elizabeth
There is something special about engineers and it is that they can create anything that we can imagine. Wishing you a Happy Engineers Day.
On the sixth day God saw He couldn’t do it all, so He created ENGINEERS.
Only engineers have the power to do the impossible because they have the tool of science to create something new…. Warm wishes on Engineers Day to you.
Architecture begins where engineering ends. — Walter Gropius
You don’t have to be an engineer if you think differently but you must think differently when you are an engineer. Happy Engineers Day
Sending you lots of wishes on the occasion of Engineers Day…. Without engineers, the lives of all of us would have been so much different and difficult.
Software is a great combination between artistry and engineering. — Bill Gates
I am an Engineer. I serve mankind by making dreams come true. Happy Engineers Day
They are the ones responsible for the world that we live in and we are really thankful for their creations….. A very Happy Engineers Day to you…. May you keep creating something new.

Engineers turn dreams into reality.
When You Want To Know How Things Really Work, Study Them When They’re Coming Apart. ― William Gibson
Successful engineering is all about understanding how things break or fail.- Henry Petroski
I don’t spend my time pontificating about high-concept things; I spend my time-solving engineering and manufacturing.
Engineers are the ones who bring technology to make our lives simpler, to bring comfort, to bring ease and today is the day to thank them.
Engineers Like To Solve Problems. If There Are No Problems Handily Available, They Will Create Their Own Problems. ― Scott Adams
Science can amuse and fascinate us all, but engineering changes the world.
Without engineers in our lives, it would have been a completely different world to live in…. Warm wishes on Engineers Day and a big thank you for giving us all these inventions.
The fewer moving parts, the better. Exactly. No truer words were ever spoken in the context of engineering. – Christian Cantrell
A warm and amazing collection of motivating Engineers Day greeting messages to share. Here are some of the Engineers Day funny messages and Happy Engineers Day wishes messages to share with all the engineers.

This job is a great scientific adventure. But it’s also a great human adventure- Fabiola Gianotti
I’ve never seen a job being done by a five-hundred-person engineering team that couldn’t be done better by fifty people.
On the occasion of Engineers Day, I want to thank the creative, intelligent, and amazing engineer in you who is constantly working hard to give us something new.
Engineers always keep adding spice to our routine lives with their innovative creations that keep surprising us…. Happy Engineers Day to all the hard-working engineers.
Their imagination and their innovation make them magicians in the true sense…. They think and they create what we find impossible and unreal…. Happy Engineers Day.
Wishing a very Happy Engineers Day to all those smart minds who are constantly exploring opportunities to create something new, for a better life.
Science has given them the power to create and their passion has given them the power to think to create…. Happy Engineers Day to the smart minds.
For an engineer, there is nothing impossible…. For an engineer, the journey to success begins with impossibilities…. Warm wishes on Engineers Day.
An engineer is the biggest source of inspiration for all of us because he never gives up, he makes it happen with his hard work and dedication…. A very Happy Engineers Day to one such man.
You are a creative thinker and an impressive executor. Wishing a very Happy Engineers Day to you.

The spirit of an engineer always keeps him ahead of the world.
Your knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm have the power to give this world many inventions. Happy Engineers Day.
To all the engineers, we wish you a very Happy Engineers Day. Never hesitate from thinking out of the box because that is the first step to a new invention.
For all the hard work you put into your studies and all the dedication you put into creating something new, we are proud of you. Happy Engineers Day.
To the engineers who are the pride of the nation, we extend warm greetings on Engineers Day.
Years of hard work and sleepless nights go into the making an engineer. We salute you and wish you Happy Engineers Day.
Engineers are no less than magicians as they can use technology to do the impossible. Happy Engineers Day to all the engineers.
It is strange to see why engineers want to get into management after studying such technical things. Warm wishes on Engineers Day.
To my dearest brother, I am sending warm wishes on Engineers Day for you to make a wonderful, inspiring engineer and I am so proud of you…. Lots of love to you.
We always knew that one day you will become an engineer because of your love for machines, your intelligent mind, and your creativity…. Wishing you a very Happy Engineers Day.

To our employees, on the occasion of Engineers Day, we just want to remind you that you have the potential to do anything in this world because you are an engineer.
A very warm and Happy Engineers Day to the most amazing civil engineer…. Thank you for giving us such wonderful constructions that have helped us develop and grow.
With you, we know that we will have amazing homes to live in, great places to work in, and fantastic construction to take inspiration from…. A very Happy Engineers Day to you.
Wishing all the engineers a very Happy Engineers Day…. Salute to the science lover in you who is always up for creating something new, innovative, and intelligent.
Happy Engineers Day to all the engineers who are giving us something new with each passing day and for inspiring us for a better life.
Only an engineer has the superpower to think and to create…. Happy Engineers Day to all the engineers who are establishing a connection between science and man each day in some way.
Engineers are known for their inventions which have changed our lives….. On this special day, wishing them all a very Happy Engineers Day.
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