Are you looking for death anniversary quotes? Here is the right place to get the best collections of death anniversary quotes and sayings. Share these quotations with your friends and family.
Whenever I watch any sports event, I wish you were here, brother.
We can measure time, but we cannot measure loss. It has been a year, but there is no way to set a milestone or a limit on the grief. Take your time.
While your loved one may no longer walk on this green Earth, the days that they spent here were incredible. The life they lived and the people they touched will stay in our memories forever.
There is not a day when I do not think of you. You are forever alive in my heart.
The pain of your death is shattering.
Death Anniversary Quotes

You abandoned me here, and I am unable to wade.
Death is never an end, but a To Be Continued… – Renée Chae
None can understand me better than my brother. I miss you terribly, brother.
Grief is a journey that never completely ends. The scenery changes and the terrain becomes easier, but there is no point of arrival. That’s okay.
I know that this is an extremely difficult time for you. I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and my well-wishes. I cannot imagine what you must be feeling right now, but know that I am here for you no matter what. Please accept my utter heartfelt condolences on this anniversary.
You were and always will be the love of my life. And someday, my soul will find yours. RIP.
They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies – William Penn
You are so missed; we need you here.
My greatest regret is losing you, and I miss you every day.
My brother had always been there for me in my ups and downs. It aches my heart to realize that you are not there anymore.
How you loved someone is reflected in how you grieve.
Since the day your loved one passed, many years have gone by, but just know that they have always been with you and will forever be at your side.
No amount of time can heal the sorrow of your passing away. May God bless your soul.

The life of the dead is placed in the heart of the living– Cicero
You never leave my dreams, and I love it.
I don’t go a day without thinking of you. You will live on in my heart forever.
I will always miss your devilish smile and the moments we spent together.
This day is important, and how you feel about it is important too.
I know that this anniversary is an immensely distressing period for you. Please take comfort in the fact that I am here to provide you with any assistance you want or need. I hope that my friends and condolences bring light to your life during this difficult time.
Life is fleeting, indeed. To think that it was yesterday that we first met. See you on the other side.
To live in the hearts of those we love is never to die – Hazel Gaynor
You have done a lot in your life for us to thank you for.
Even after all these days of grief, the anguish remains acute. I’m sending my love to his soul.
While we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil – John Taylor
My brother. You are my teacher and role model. Nobody can replace your loss ever.

It’s been one trip around the sun without the light of your love. I hold your memory as a glimmer in my heart.
Even as you remember this painful day, I hope you think of all the beautiful times you were able to have with [name of the person who passed]. [He/she/they] was/were so loving and kind, and I just know [he/she/they] would want you to smile today. I do, too. Please let me know if you want to talk or go for a walk.
Losing you is my biggest regret and I miss you every day.
Although it’s difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow
I can still feel you here next to me.
Your absence follows me everywhere I go. I hope to see you again in heaven.
Those we love and lose are always connected by heartstrings into infinity– Terri Guillemets
You were my best friend, and you left me alone in this world.
Some years are just unbearably hard, and yet we bear them. You have shown your strength this year.
My heart truly goes out to you in this time of painful sorrow. Someone so uniquely special and dear to you could never be forgotten. On this anniversary, I hope that you take comfort from my love, support, and prayers.
It’s hard to accept the fact that you aren’t here anymore. Not a day goes by that you don’t cross my mind.
Good men must die, but death cannot kill their names – Proverb
May God keeps you safe till we meet again.

He was one of the kindest people I’ve ever met, and I pray for the serenity of his soul.
To live in the hearts of those we love is never to die – Thomas Campbell
I know you are watching over me from heaven. You were my everything.
There is no getting used to losing someone you love. Once you think you’ve accommodated the grief, it surprises you in new ways. But you surprise yourself too with your ability to withstand it.
Grief is a most peculiar thing; we’re so helpless in the face of it. It’s like a window that will simply open of its own accord. The room grows cold, and we can do nothing but shiver. But it opens a little less each time, and a little less; and one day we wonder what has become of it. ― Arthur Golden
He was one of the greatest persons I’ve ever known, and I pray for the peace of his departed soul.
While we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil– John Taylor
On your one-year anniversary, we still miss you.
You were and always will be my life’s love. And one day, my spirit will cross paths with yours. RIP.
Love grows more tremendously full, swift, and poignant, as the years multiply – Zane Grey
I will cherish all your memories forever, my brother.

When you left, you took a part of my heart with you. It brings me comfort, to know you are not alone.
It takes a courageous heart to face the anniversary of the loss of a loved one with grace. I know you will have the strength to persevere and will be there with you if you need me.
You had touched countless lives in your lifetime, and even after your death, you live through your good deeds. We miss you always!
Life is eternal, love is immortal, and death is only a horizon, and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sigh
It was and still is so painful to lose you.
Life is indeed transitory. It seems like only yesterday that we first met. We’ll meet on the other side.
What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us
My brother was my role model, and there is nobody like him in this whole world.
In brief, one year can seem like a few days. Time loses meaning, but our memories never can.
I cannot imagine how much pain you’re wrestling with today. Know that I will be thinking of you and your entire family, hoping you find peace and strength in this difficult time.
Those we love and lose are always connected by heartstrings into infinity – Terri Guillemets
Our love for you will never die.
It’s difficult to accept that you’re no longer here. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you.
If you’re looking for ways you can support a loved one on the one-year death anniversary or are looking for inspiration in writing death anniversary messages for friends, try out some of these templates.

It was a blessing and pride to be your brother. You are irreplaceable.
Saying hello to you was easy. Saying goodbye takes forever.
There is no getting used to losing someone you love. Once you think you’ve accommodated the grief, it surprises you in new ways. But you surprise yourself, too, with your ability to withstand it.
Regardless of how many years it has been, I still miss you the same. The pain will never leave me alone, I swear.
Even after a year, my heart aches for you. You were the light of my life and I shall always remember our time together
You brought Heaven to our home.
All these days of mourning but the pain still remains fresh. Sending my admiration to his soul.
We made [favorite dish] in honor of your beautiful mother today and are holding you in our hearts and minds. We love you and will always remember your mother and the impact she had on everyone around her.
The day you left me was the saddest day in my life. There’s no one like you, brother.
Every day for a year, I have been thankful for the time we had together.
There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.
The earth had lost one of its angels on this day, and I can’t help but grieve the loss of such a beautiful mind.

You will always have a place in my heart and, a year, two, or even eternity won’t see your memory fade. I love you my darling
It’s not easy to move on.
You left here alone, and I cannot wait to reunite with you, darling, sending you to love on your death anniversary.
It’s been a year since we lost your wonderful father and what a year it has been. If he saw you today, we’re certain he would be immensely proud of you. We love you and are thinking of you today.
There is an angel up above who is always watching over me, and that’s my brother.
Each night this year, as I rest my head on my pillow, I look forward to seeing you in my dreams.
It is only human to grieve, and at this terrible hour, we all join you to mourn and remember the life they had and the lives they touched.
I feel the emptiness of his/her absence every day, but it is especially this day when my heart becomes inconsolable. May he/she sleep peacefully?
Those special memories we made help you to live on even though you’re gone. I will use today, the 1st anniversary of your passing, to remember what a truly wonderful person you were
You left us too soon.
Your memories will never fade from my heart. May I get the chance to see you in heaven?
One year down, too many to go. I miss your father each and every day and am always thinking of him whenever I go to [special place]. We know he is smiling down at you always.
Brother, you left us so soon that I couldn’t even let you know how much you mean to me.

This year has shown me that time can pass quickly and slowly all at once.
Although today’s grief may make you feel in pain and alone, know that you remain in our hearts and thoughts.
On this day, I cherish the virtuous life he/she has lived and the memories he/she has given us. May his/her soul find rest.
Time moves so slowly and even after a whole year I don’t think I’ve fully accepted you’re gone
Thank you for the happy life you gave me.
You are alive through my prayers and wishes, so rest peacefully.
Your father was one of the most amazing men I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. What an extraordinary life he lived. We are thinking of him and everything he accomplished on this day.
Brother, you are not here, but I feel you everywhere. It hurts a lot.
She was no longer wrestling with the grief but could sit down with it as a lasting companion and make it a share in her thoughts. – George Eliot
When he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun. – William Shakespeare
On this anniversary of your [person’s] passing, I remember [her/him/them] and feel the grief of losing [her/him/them] all over again. I can’t imagine how much more difficult it must be for you. But I also recall the many times [she/he/they] made me laugh. I am thinking of you on this very challenging day.
In loving memory of my Father, who was the most honest, kindest, and loving man I have ever known, may his soul forever be in peace.
I remember the first day without you… I’ve never been the same– Jennifer Ross
You left this world for long years ago, but your memories are still fresh in our minds. May you rest peacefully in heaven.
A year has felt almost like an eternity without your father here. We love him and miss him each and every day.
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