Are you looking for birthday quotes for best friend? Here is the right place to get the best collections of birthday quotes for best friend. Wish your friends, and family and make them a special memorable birthday day.
You suck at aging! Can you at least try to look older?
Do you like these wishes?
You’re my favorite person and best friend, a girl
Wishing you a hearty happy birthday today, my dear best friend.
Every step of the way you were there for me. Through thick and thin I’ll always be there for you. Happy birthday, wishes!
I can’t believe it’s your birthday! You make getting older look really good.
If you want, we can pretend we’re 21 again and I’ll hold your hair back while you puke tonight!
Birthday Quotes For Best Friend

I hope your day is as special as you, friend. Happy Birthday!
Today is all about honoring the person who keeps my therapy bills low. Here’s to another year of listening to me complain!
You’re not getting older… just more distinguished! Happy birthday.
I could search far and wide, but I already know that I’ve found my favorite person in the whole wide world. You truly are the best friend a girl could wish for. You mean so much to me, bestie.
Thanks for another year of being an awesome friend. Happy birthday dear friend!
Thanks for always being there for me, and for always being your fabulous self. I hope your birthday is as great as you are a friend. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a charming, smart, and all-around amazing person. Takes one to know one!
It’s true that time flies when you’re having fun because it’s been a riot being friends with you.
Happy birthday to my BFF! I can’t imagine life without you.
Watch what you’re calling gray hairs! I prefer to see them as strands of birthday glitter growing out of your head. Now you’re ready to party!
A best friend in my life but much more like family at heart, you are more special to me than I’ll ever be able to put into words.
I am grateful for your true friendship. Hope your birthday is amazing as you are my best friend!
Cheers to you and all the amazing things you do! Take a drink and have a very happy birthday!

Today should be a national holiday because it’s the day my best friend was born!
For the record, you’re not old, you’re a classic. Happy birthday to the most classic kid I know.
Happy birthday to someone who is always ready to text me about what’s happening with Harry and Meghan.
Don’t let aging get you down. It’s too hard to get up again!
I don’t know what I did to deserve such a wonderful friend like you, but I will be forever grateful that the universe brought you into my life.
I wish you love, hope, and everlasting joy and happiness. Thank you for being my best friend.
This a helpful reminder that calories don’t count on your birthday, so go on and have another piece of cake.
Let’s be honest, one day isn’t enough of a celebration for someone like you. Enjoy your birthday month!
Let’s get this party started! No, seriously—we both know we can’t stay up past 10 p.m.!
Sending you an abundance of love this birthday, bestie.
How do you know you’ve hit middle age? In preparation for a big sneeze, you cross your legs really hard and hope for the best!
Happy birthday to you today, bestie! You’re my guiding light and best friend, girl
Happy birthday to my one and only BFF.
Another trip around the sun with you sounds good to me! Happy birthday, bestie.

I should have guessed that you’d age like a fine wine. Happy birthday gorgeous!
They say you get wiser and better with age. Is it true? I wouldn’t know, I’m forever 21.
On this day, a star was born! So sing your heart out tonight, bestie!
Get the cake and confetti, it’s time to celebrate my bestie. Happy Birthday!
You’re how old?! Better take that cake outdoors to light the candles! Have a very happy birthday.
There aren’t enough words or wishes long enough to express my deep emotion on your special day, my dear best friend. Someone like you truly deserves the world for the fab friendship and kindness that you give. You are the brightest shining star and my guiding light in life, bestie.
I am so proud to be your best friend. May you have a happy and healthy birthday!
Warm wishes and lots of love on your birthday and all year round. Happy birthday!
You’re the Thelma to my Louise (minus the driving a car off a cliff deal, let’s not do that).
May we live a long life together, so we can be 100 and still gossip like teenagers?
Congratulations, you’ve finally reached the wonder years… wonder where your car is parked? Wonder where you left your phone? Wonder where your glasses are? Wonder what day it is? It’s your birthday!
May you have a wonderful day that reflects the incredible person that you are.

I’m so proud to call you my friend. Happy birthday!
You understand me like nobody else. I have a sibling in you, my friend. Happy birthday to my best friend!
If there was ever a day to indulge, it’s your birthday! So get out there, fill today with all your guilty pleasures, and just remember, calories don’t count on your birthday.
Happy birthday to someone who never lets me fall asleep in a full face of makeup after a night out.
Happy birthday to the only person I would rescue in a Zombie apocalypse!
May all of your wishes come true today and always. Happy birthday.
Don’t stress about your eyesight failing as you get older. It’s nature’s way of protecting you from shock as you walk past the mirror.
For someone like you, a friend so dear, I wanted to send you your birthday wishes before your special day gets here! Advance happy birthday, best friend!
Thank you for always being there to listen. I am so lucky to have you as my best friend. Enjoy your birthday!
Happy Birthday! Wishing you another rocking birthday for a rockin’ guy.
I know you’re married now, but can we still have a sleepover after your party tonight??
Gently tease a friend on their birthday with one of these funny happy birthday quotes about growing older. These wishes add a bit of fun and laughter to birthday greetings for a friend – perfect for friends who enjoy a laugh!

Do you hear that? That’s me screaming happy birthday to my best friend!
Happy birthday to my long-time, long-distance best friend! I’m sending all my best wishes your way today as you celebrate your very special day!
I am so thankful and happy that we are best friends. Enjoy your birthday and happy birthday wishes to my best friend!
Joy, love, and lots of cake on your very happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the only person I can hang out with for hours without getting annoyed.
Have a great birthday! I know that’s not too cheesy since you’re the dad joke friend.
I’m so glad that we are growing older together and that you’ll always have a head start!
Bestie, you’re so unique there’s only one best friend like you which is probably for the best since I don’t think I could handle two of you!
Happy birthday to my best friend, the one who laughs at my silly jokes and still stands beside me even when I do dumb and stupid things!
Here’s hoping you have a year full of happiness and blessings, starting with your birthday!
Happy birthday to someone who is always willing to test a new recipe with me — and also willing to order pizza when it doesn’t work out.
When it comes to funny friends, you take the cake.
Wishing you love and happiness on your birthday. I love you!

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
Today, I have the pleasure of wishing a super happy birthday to my favorite human! Our bond is as solid as a rock and as sweet as your birthday cake is hopefully going to be!
Best friend: someone whom you can be yourself with, someone whom you can have pointless conversations with, someone who still likes you even when you’re weird, someone who forgets to buy you a birthday gift…that’s why I came up with this. Happy birthday my best friend!
We love a birthday queen, and you do the title justice. Happy birthday!
Your birthday present is the fact that I DM’d Timothee Chalamet to come to your party tonight.
Best friends are awesome, especially yours. Happy birthday, to someone with great taste!
May this day bring you all the joy you deserve. Happy birthday, friend.
We’ll be friends until we’re old and senile… and then we can be new friends!
Seriously though, I couldn’t wish for a better companion and I am so proud to call you my best friend. You mean the world to me!
Wishing you a very happy birthday and another blessed year!
You’re like the sister/brother I never had…because the one I do have isn’t nearly as great as you.
Friends who pray together, stay together! Here’s to many, many more.

we’re both getting old, but who’s counting happy birthday
I’ve reached an age where my train of thought often leaves the station without me.
Out of all the friendships, Yours truly is the best a dear gal pal who is better than the rest.
Without you around My days would be glum for there is nobody else with whom I have more fun.
Happy birthday to my best friend! We are such a great team: I am smart, good-looking, and talented and you are great at being my friend!
Today’s the day! Birthdays are days to have fun, take pictures, eat a whole lot of cake, and just keep being your wonderful self.
I love you even though you once tried to set me up on a date with your weird coworker.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is an option. Thanks for opting out with me!
They say the older you are, the smarter you become. At your age, you must be a genius! Happy birthday!
The secret to staying young is make-up… make up an age, then stick with it!
You’re my best friend, girl you mean more than any boy
You simply brighten my life and fill every moment with joy.
You may be getting older but at least I still look great! Happy birthday best friend!
One day a year is all about you, and that day’s today! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the person who wisely talked me out of getting post-breakup bangs. You’re a real friend for that!

Happy birthday to my kooky friend, and thanks for making me look like the normal one!
As we age looks may fade, but personalities never change. Good thing it’s always been about your personality! Happy birthday.
A true friend remembers your birthday, but not your age.
I’m wishing you the happiest birthday possible with all the Love in my heart, bestie.
I am so blessed to have a friend like you. It may be your birthday, but I feel like I am the one with the gift!
Hope you make this birthday another one to remember. Warmest wishes on your birthday!
You know I love you because this bottle of wine cost more than $10! But you’re worth it, birthday girl.
Okay so you’re another year older, do you want a card or something?
If you’re waiting on your birthday gift, close your eyes and make a wish. Surprise, it’s me! Happy birthday!
You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime.
A love that’s true and tender
You have a heart of gold, bestie you’re the best friend anyone could have, girl
You’re always there to lift me up and to gently warm my heart you never seem to fail It makes me smile.
May you have a happy, healthy, peaceful, successful, and fun year. And may this year be your best one yet.
Tell you what, because it’s your birthday, tonight’s post-bar pizza slices are on me.

Happy birthday! Wishing you another fun-filled day full of celebration!
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, somebody cool was born. We know because it’s my bestie’s birthday!
Stop counting the candles, it will take you until your next birthday to finish! Happy birthday!
Is it your best friend’s birthday? Hooray! These happy birthday best friend birthday wishes will start their day with a smile and some birthday love. Don’t be shy! Let your bestie know just how special their friendship is to you.
You’re the very best friend anyone could ever have
You’re my favorite girl by a country mile.
Today is your special day and I promise to try my utmost to not steal the spotlight from you for at least one day! Happy birthday my friend.
The happiest of birthdays to the loveliest of friends. Have a blessed day!
Honestly, I feel bad for everyone else who doesn’t get to have you as a best friend. What a lame life!
Happy birthday to the friend who makes any annoying situation tolerable.
Happy birthday to the most fabulous woman I know. Oh wait, it’s not my birthday!
It’s time to party! Cheers to a day as special as you are and a year full of joy. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you, bestie. For a friend so wonderful and dear friend to make you smile and laugh you mean a lot to me, best friend
Happy birthday, my dear best friend.
The only gift I have for you is my continued friendship. I went searching for the perfect gift to give you, but you are such a perfect friend that nothing seemed good enough. It has nothing to do with me being cheap!
I hope you like these quotes. Thanks for visiting us, share on WhatsApp status Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms. Keep smiling and be happy.