Are you looking for attitude-powerful lion quotes? Here is the right place to get the best collections of attitude powerful lion quotes and sayings. Share these quotations with your friends.
The lion is a well-muscled cat with a long body, large head, and short legs. We can find lions mainly in sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian state, of Gujarat in India.
Even though they do not live in jungles, lions hold the title of Kings of the Jungle. Our lion quotes selection talks about the lion’s physical appearance, confident gait, bravery, and fearful roars that single them out as royalty amongst beasts.
Opportunities don’t come knocking on the door. They present themselves when you knock the f*#king door down.
I was not the lion, but it fell to me to give the lion’s roar.
A lion is called a ‘king of beasts’ obviously for a reason. – Jack Hanna.
Do what you fear and your fears disappear
Attitude Powerful Lion Quotes

I’d rather live one day as a lion than 1000 years as a sheep – Lion Quotes In Pictures
A lonely lion is better than famous sheep.
Worrying gets you nowhere. if you turn up worrying about how you’re going to perform, you’ve already lost. Train hard, turn up, run your best and the rest will take care of itself. – Usain Bolt
Only in art will the lion lie down with the lamb, and the rose grows without a thorn.
Lions are the ones who never look back on barking dogs.
Fear an ignorant man more than a lion
I am bold as a lion. – MindsQuotes
I’ve got a friend who is a lion tamer. He used to be a school teacher till he lost his nerve.– Les Dawson
Always be fearless. Walk like a lion, talk like pigeons, live like elephants, and love like an infant child.
Are you going to be a lion or a sheep, a leader or a follower – Beast Mode
I have the heart of a LION, the strength of 10, and the DESIRE of 1000 men! – Time For War
lion quotes and sayings, If you want to be a winner then be fearless like a lion.
There is greatness within you! – Les Brown

Their preferred habitat includes savanna, grasslands, dense scrub, and open woodlands.
A Lion does not lose sleep over the opinions of a sheep.
I have a heart of a lion, the strength of ten, and the desire of a thousand men.
A lion sleeps in the heart of every brave man.
A Lion does not lose sleep over the opinions of a sheep – Lion Quotes In Pictures
If you want to be a winner then be fearless like a lion.
For me, life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, and to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, and to conquer. – Arnold Schwarzenegger
With great night vision, lions make excellent nocturnal predators. They are social animals that live together in groups called pride. The males are fierce protectors of the pride’s territory while the females (lionesses) take charge of the cubs.
The devil whispers You can not withstand the storm The warrior replies I AM THE STORM
The stars came out in search of the moon.
I breathe in my courage and exhale my fear.
A lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinion of sheep.
Failure is not the outcome – failure is not trying. Don’t be afraid to fail. – Sara Blakely
Attack your goals like your life depends on them. – Lion Quotes In Pictures

Fear an ignorant man more than a lion.
In the ecosystem, lions contribute in no small measure to keep herbivore populations, especially big ones like zebras, giraffes, and buffaloes, in check. Poaching, climate change, and habitat loss pose threats to these extraordinary creatures.
If ever you feel like an animal among men, be a lion.
The lion does not turn around when a small dog barks.
I love taking challenges, as my name Leander means ‘lion’s heart. – Leander Paes.
The greatest fear in the world is the opinions of others. And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.
If you are in the way of my goals and dreams, I suggest you move! – Lion Quotes In Pictures
Run after your dreams as a lion runs after a deer.
Go forth boldly, and mighty forces will come to your aid – Unknown
Related: For more information on this most majestic of animals check out our article full of interesting lion facts.
Everyone wants to EAT, but few are willing to hunt.
The devil whispers you can’t withstand the storm The worrier replied I am the storm

I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble.
It’s better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life. – Elizabeth Kenny.
A fierce wolf is more significant than a cowardly lion.
There never was a woman like her. She was gentle as a dove and brave as a lioness.
Everyone wants to EAT, but few are willing to hunt – Lion Quotes In Pictures
Setting a goal is not enough, hunt them.
The lion is passion, the lion is the fire. Lions call you to them.
Do one thing every day that scares you – Eleanor Roosevelt
Below is our handpicked selection of inspirational lion quotes about these majestic animals.
From the birth of a lion, a cub is taught to be aware of enemies and their prey. Hunt, fight, rule, all these instincts make a lion warrior. These instincts are in humans too. We have mentioned quotes that may awaken your warrior instinct to do better in life.
Everyone wants to eat but few are willing to hunt
The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. It will defend itself. – St. Augustine.
A lion does not fear laughter coming from a hyena
Be the lion of your forest.
Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again. – Richard Branson
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Go forth boldly, and mighty forces will come to your aid.
Remember who you are. You are my son and the one true king.
A group of donkeys led by a lion can defeat a group of lions led by a donkey.
There are several lion leadership qualities that we can learn from. Lions are courageous, confident, strong, social, organized, and hardworking.
FEAR. False Evidence Appearing Real. – Lion Quotes In Pictures
Everyone wants to get it, but some of them hunt.
Throughout life, people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you badly. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too. – Will Smith
There is something about seeing rhinos and lions running free that excites you. It’s not that you feel afraid; it’s more like you’re liberated by seeing them.
The lion is the defender of faith, strength, valor, fortitude, and kingliness.

Lions are neither predators nor killers. They just go hunting like kings; because they are kings!
The lion is the defender of faith, strength, valor, fortitude, and kingliness. – Murray Zimiles.
A Lion does not lose sleep over the opinions of a sheep.
I AM a LION, not a sheep. A LEADER, not a follower – Lion Quotes In Pictures
Be the hunter of your dream.
If you want to make a permanent change, stop focusing on the size of your problems and start focusing on the size you! – T. Harv Eker
A lion who breaks the enemy’s ranks is a minor hero compared to the lion who overcomes himself.
Believe in yourself, and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe in you.
One who is mentored by lions is fiercer than one who is mentored by wolves.
I am more afraid of an army of one hundred sheep led by a lion than an army of one hundred lions led by a sheep.
The devil whispers You can not withstand the storm warrior replies I AM THE STORM
Do not roar like a lion, just set your target and hunt like a lion.

Your life should be dominated by only one main fear: Not fully optimizing today. That’s the healthiest fear in the world.– Tai Lopez
Grown lions weigh anything from 300 to 500 pounds. That’s huge! Full-grown males are about 2.2 meters long, tail excluded. While females who are smaller in size can grow up to 1.5 meters and weigh about 180kg.
A lion doesn’t have to prove it’s a threat. You already know what the lion is capable of.
A lion among ladies is a most dreadful thing.
Be like a lion and a wolf, then you have a big heart and the power of leadership.
If you build an army of 100 lions whose leader is a dog, in any fight, the lions will die like a dog. But if you build an army of 100 dogs and their leader is a lion, all dogs will fight like a lion.
It’s not over until I win!
Do not roar like a lion, just set your target and hunt like a lion.
The lion is passion, the lion is the fire. Lions call you to them.
The silent breath of a wounded lion is more dangerous than its roar.
If you do not fight, then you will die as well.
An optimist is someone who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery. – Walter Winchell.

A group of donkeys led by a lion can defeat a group of lions led by a donkey.
The world is a jungle. You either fight and dominate or hide and evaporate. – Lion Quotes In Pictures
Success depends on your appetite.
A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided. – Tony Robbins
The author of this lion quote, Michael Samuels, is a British television director, producer, and writer. His award-winning works include Any Human Heart and The Curse of Steptoe.
If you do not fight, then you will die as well.
The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
Lead like a lion, brave like a tiger, grow like a giraffe, run like a cheetah, strong like an elephant.
If you want to be a lion, you must train with lions.
It’s better to be a lonely lion than a popular sheep.
Surround yourself with those who are HUNGRY FOR SUCCESS.
You will never be proud without courage.
If I was not a dreamer, I would have achieved nothing. – Clint Eastwood

The lion is an emblem of the dream of absolute power — and, as a wild rather than a domestic animal, he belongs to a world outside the realm of society and culture.
No other creatures of the savannah sleep as deeply or as soundly as lions, but after all, lions are the main reason for not sleeping soundly.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
If size mattered, the elephant would be the king of the jungle.
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